Rep. Ron Wright, Who was Fighting Lung Cancer, Dies After Suffering COVID-19 Complications
Wright tested positive on Jan. 21. He went to Baylor Hospital two weeks ago with minor symptoms.

Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX), 67, passed away Sunday night.
He had been battling lung cancer when he checked himself into Baylor hospital in Dallas two weeks ago due to COVID-19 complications.
From The Dallas Morning News:
Wright is the first member of Congress to die of COVID-19.
“Congressman Wright will be remembered as a constitutional conservative. He was a statesman, not an ideologue,” according to a statement released by Wright’s office. “Ron and Susan dedicated their lives to fighting for individual freedom, Texas values, and above all, the lives of the unborn. As friends, family, and many of his constituents will know, Ron maintained his quick wit and optimism until the very end. Despite years of painful, sometimes debilitating treatment for cancer, Ron never lacked the desire to get up and go to work, to motivate those around him, or to offer fatherly advice.”
Wright went into quarantine on January 15 after he came into contact with someone with the virus. He tested positive on January 21.
He stayed away from Washington, D.C., for a long time in the past 11 months:
“I am experiencing minor symptoms, but overall, I feel okay and will continue working for the people of the 6th District from home this week. I encourage everyone to keep following CDC guidelines and want to thank all the medical professionals on the front lines who fight this virus head-on every single day,” he said at the time in a statement issued by his office.
The quarantine began two days after the House voted to impeach then-president Donald Trump. Wright voted against the impeachment, as did all but 10 Republicans, none from Texas.
Wright, given his age and health complications, stayed away from Washington for stretches at a time over the last 11 months, House voting records show. While congressional leaders have taken steps to stop COVID-19′s spread, several lawmakers have still contracted the virus.
Wright lived in Tarrant County his whole life. He served on Arlington’s City Council from 2000 to 2008. Then he took over as Tarrant County’s Tax Assessor-Collector in 2011. He won the position in 2012 and 2016.
Wright first went to Congress in 2019 after he won the election in November 2018:
The congressman wanted to pursue comprehensive tax reform to simplify the tax code, with tax cuts for the middle class, according to his campaign website.
“Congressman Wright will be remembered as a constitutional conservative,” according to his campaign’s statement. “He was a statesman, not an ideologue. Ron and Susan dedicated their lives to fighting for individual freedom, Texas values, and above all, the lives of the unborn.”

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Can we just get rid of Liz Cheney?
WTF … What relevance does that have with this. A man dies and that’s what you say!
Relevance is that we would have been much better off with him still alive. Now we have lost him, and still have privileged POS RINO Cheney.
I don’t generally comment in threads about the death of someone I know nothing about but if you do comment maybe make the comment about the deceased instead of Cheney?
Hold it – let me pay my violin for you.
Mark311, your advocay has led to the deaths thousands of people. Just ask your freak buddy Cuomo’s own DA, Leticia James.
Mark311, you’re full of sh-t, as usual.
And he is a cat lover!
My advocacy of what exactly? If you are going to make a claim like that you had better back it up.
Keeping it classy, I see…
Another death on Madame Speaker’s hands. There needs to be a special circle in hell for her.
We can hope. But God’s work must truly be our own.
What links Nancy with his death?!
The same thing that links Trump to all the deaths Dems blame him for. Nothing.
I see what you did there ha, if only there was a half thumbs up.
She gave him her leftover ice cream. She coughed on it first.
Probably has something to do will Pillows, that is why they hate Mike. It is their killing tool.
Damn, condolences to his family.
Sounds like a great guy. We can use more like him in the House.
RIP Ron Wright. A far better rep than the last Wright to from Tarrant County.
the ChiCom Crud, pinch hitting for pneumonia this winter, finished off what the cancer had started…
but this will be recorded as a CCC death, not one of multiple causes.
If this is the immediate cause of death, if but for this he would not have died, then it’s right to count it that way, just as we do for every other disease. When we count how many people died of the annual flu, or of cancer, or of anything else, we don’t exclude people just because they weren’t in perfect health otherwise. We go by the immediate cause of death. Other relevant factors are listed on the death certificate, but “immediate cause of death” is the thing that actually finished him off. What we don’t do is count people who happened to have had a disease but died of something completely different, and that’s what is wrong with the Wuhan Flu statistics.
So you’re saying motorcycle accidents shouldn’t count then?
Of course they shouldn’t. Nor should falling off ladders, even if we speculate that but for the Wuhan Disease the fellow wouldn’t have lost his balance. But a case like this absolutely should count. Which is why those who jump from the true statement that only about 6% of reported Wuhan casualties had nothing else wrong with them, to the claim that therefore the reported figures should be reduced by 94%, are being ridiculous and dishonest. The numbers are definitely inflated, but not by that much.
Agreed for the most part, id opine that the number of people who have died as a result of something completely different yet listed as Covid is very very small. I’m not sure what the case is in the states but in the UK the quarterly data set tends to revise the weekly death figures adjust slightly, potentially for things like that along with other complications.
Deepest condolences to his family. RIP Ron Wright.
wikipedia has since been edited but for a bit it showed this
thankfully, Wright died from the disease on February 7
Honestly, WTF is wrong with these people?
“A bit”, meaning one minute or less. The offending edit was made by an anonymous IP editor at 17:03 UTC, and was reverted by Ashleyyoursmile at 17:04. You can’t expect any better performance than that. Nobody can prevent vandalism on WP; all you can do is clean it up, and this was spotted and cleaned up immediately.
31 minutes later, at 17:35, the page was temporarily protected from anonymous editing, which is done when a user with admin powers notices that a page is coming in for a lot of vandalism, which happens pretty much whenever page’s subject is in the news. It doesn’t stop vandalism, but it means that the vandal’s username will be known and they can be warned about it, and eventually have their editing privileges suspended for a bit.
In any case, the vandalism you happened to notice during the less than 60 seconds it was up is not a stain on WP. There’s plenty to blame it for, but not that.
Battling lung cancer and unable to work for the bulk of the year.
But sure, sole cause of death = covid-19.
Reminds me of the hospital records from Chicago. Man admitted to emergency room with multiple gunshots. Final cause of death on the death certificate: Covid-19.
I’m no medical expert, nor do I play one on TV, but I’m guessing that his impaired lung function made him extra susceptible. So the butler did it, but so did the maid.
Nobody said “sole” cause of death. Very few people die of only one cause. But “cause of death” means the immediate cause, and in this case he died of Wuhan Disease.
It doesn’t matter. They are going to list what they want. Nothing that you, I, or anyone else says will change that. What matters is that America lost a great man who fought for what is right.
Condolences to his family
“Nobody said “sole” cause of death. Very few people die of only one cause. But “cause of death” means the immediate cause, and in this case he died of Wuhan Disease.”
Maybe. The kicker is the term “complications from covid”. What does that mean, exactly. Usually, when that terminology is used it means that the disease or condition was one of many. Most likely, given active treatment for lung cancer, the actually died from pneumonia. Was the pneumonia caused by COVID? Or was it brought on by complications of the cancer coupled with the recent bout of very cold weather? Then there is common influenza. Was exposure to the flu even tested for?
Now, he could have had an active COVID infection. And, that infection could have triggered the condition which led to his death. It is a shame that he passed away, especially as he was younger than I am. But, I think it is a bit premature to categorize his death as being caused by COVID.
The DR’s treating him would have a pretty clear idea of what the issues were so shall we let them decide what happened rather than speculate on hypotheticals.
LOL. You have a marvelous sense of humor. We are in this predicament precisely because we HAVE been relying upon the “expertise” of doctor. And, so far, we have seen a huge number of inaccurate, or at least inaccurately reported, deaths listing COVID as a cause.
Err yeah I’m not sure thats really true, Trump hasn’t exactly endorsed the science during his term. I’m not really sure how you can blame the experts for that.
I personally think the main issue is the weak and sllw policy response.
“Err yeah I’m not sure thats really true, Trump hasn’t exactly endorsed the science during his term. I’m not really sure how you can blame the experts for that.
I personally think the main issue is the weak and sllw policy response.”
Remember the peer reviewed report on how CDC death certificate guidelines, which were changed for the COVID-19 virus, were causing a nearly 1600% over reporting of deaths due to COVID-19? It was produced on 10/12/2020 and has been reported upon, in the alternate media. It details exactly how the reporting guidelines were changed to create the overwhelming impression that COVID was a serious and deadly disease, Below is the report. It is illuminating. Especially as it says that, if the death certificate guidelines, in use since 2003,, had been followed, rather than those constructed for COVID-19, that only 9600 deaths would be attributed to COVID, rather than the 161,000, which currently being attributed to the virus.
Right… like gay people never died of AIDS, they all died of Kaposi’s Sarcoma.
Mostly not. In the early years I think the big killer was PCP. Now I think it’s mostly infections, lymphoma, TB, and various other cancers.
RIP sir
It’s sad to lose a great player, but we have to have a strong bullpen and a strong training camp.
We have neither. Our greatest hope is in PDJT. I wish I knew what he was brewing. Whatever it is, I wish it includes a new political party. The GOP is swamp garbage, straought through to scumbags like Cheney, Romney, Murkowski, Sasse, Boehner etc.
The only reason “radicals” have taken over the democrat party is because EVERYONE in the democrat party is completely corrupt and on the take on a massive scale. Name one that isn’t.
The GOP, on the other hand, is ‘our’ party, and the corruption is not as deep as it is on the left, nor as corrupt as it was when that moron Boehner was in congress and ridiculously placed as the Squeaker of the House to be a foil to obama. Nonetheles, it has been re-corrupted – meaning, the corruption in the GOP is too deep to ever clean out.
Your hope should be in God, not any one man.
Full disclosure: I do believe Donald Trump was our best President since George Washington.
Remembering that Abraham Lincoln led a 3rd party to the White House, if I saw a viable 3rd Party being built from the local level up, I’d change my voter registration.