Legal Insurrection launches ‘Critical Race Training In Higher Education’ website

Critical Race Theory and the corollary Critical Race Training have been a major focus at Legal Insurrection.

The impact on education has been enormous, and destructive. What started on college campuses has moved to primary and secondary education, and into the broader culture. Government agencies and private corporations now are some of the worst offenders of the obsessive focus on race.

Legal Insurrection Foundation, a tax-exempt research and investigative entity, spent six months researching and documenting CRT in higher education. We created the most comprehensive database, currently over 200 colleges and universities and growing, with an interactive map by state. Each school page contains not only a listing of ongoing activities, but also a custom search function to obtain the most up-to-date information.

Fox News covered the launch, Website launched to track critical race theory teaching in higher education:

A newly-launched website features a free database with information on critical race theory (CRT) curricula and training in higher education – adding to the already-growing effort to track how the controversial ideology is permeating U.S. institutions.

William Jacobson, the Cornell law professor who founded the conservative-leaning site “Legal Insurrection,” created the database as a comprehensive resource to “empower” American parents and students as the ideology makes its way into classrooms across the country.

Jacobson told Fox News on Tuesday: “The website is a resource for parents and students who no longer can assume they will be left alone … the entire ideology of CRT and ‘anti-racist’ training is that ‘silence is violence.'”He added: “As we head into college application and selection season, we need to get parents, in particular, to focus on CRT that will be forced on their kids.”Launched over the weekend, is the product of a six-month effort at Legal Insurrection and currently includes information on 200 colleges and universities, Jacobson said. In addition to cataloging CRT efforts, the website lists a series of resources purportedly “exposing the falsity and harm” caused by CRT. The homepage currently features a map that allows visitors to search for CRT incidents by state.”People need to understand that Higher Ed is the source of the problem,” Jacobson told Fox News. “It provides the ideological mothers’ milk for activists, and trains the people who then go onto jobs in government and primary/secondary education, and the ‘journalists’ who push this coverage.”

More details from the “About” page: is a resource for parents and students concerned about how Critical Race Theory, and implementation of Critical Race Training, impacts education. We have compiled the most comprehensive database to empower parents and students.We have researched and documented Critical Race Training in over 200 colleges and universities in the United States. The website explains Critical Race Theory itself and provides resources to learn more. Additionally, it allows users to look up the steps their school has taken to mandate Critical Race Training in different parts of the college experience, from changing academic codes of conduct to funding “equity” is an ongoing project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the public on various issues, including but not limited to, free speech, academic freedom, and non-discrimination. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law. DONATE HERE.

[See what I did there?]

We hope that will be a resource that will make a difference.

As we settle down, expect us to roll out listicles such as “10 Worst” and so on. Knowledge is power. Power to the people.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory,, Legal Insurrection Foundation