House Committee Considering Measures That Would Reverse Iowa Race and Unseat Republican

Questioning the outcome of the 2020 election is forbidden unless you’re a Democrat. Just six votes decided the race for Iowa’s 2nd District, and Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks won.

Democrat candidate Rita Hart appealed directly to the Democrat-controlled House, and now, weeks later, they are actually considering measures that would reverse the outcome.

Chris Enloe reports at The Blaze:

House takes first step in contested election review that may result in Republican being unseatedThe Democrat-controlled House took the first steps last week of adjudicating a contested House seat that may result in a Republican lawmaker being replaced by her Democratic challenger.Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R) was declared the winner of Iowa’s second congressional district over Democratic challenger Rita Hart last November by just six votes — 196,964 to 196,958.After Iowa certified Miller-Meeks’ win, Hart appealed to the House by filing a Notice of Contest. Hart’s campaign alleged that “the Miller-Meeks campaign has sought to keep legitimate votes from being counted — pushing to disqualify and limit the number of Iowans whose votes are counted,” the Iowa City Press-Citizen reported.Hart claims there are 22 “legally-cast, uncounted votes” from her election — and, of course, she alleges that if those votes are counted, she would be the rightful winner of the contest…The House Administration Committee gathered last Friday to establish the process by which Hart’s claims will be adjudicated.Politico reported, “The Friday meeting was brief. Members unanimously agreed to a resolution that establishes procedures the committee will abide by as it considers recent elections contested under the act.”

Ally Mutnick of Politico has more:

The House Administration Committee gathered virtually Friday afternoon to finalize the process by which it will adjudicate Hart’s claim, which was filed under the Federal Contested Elections Act. The committee has been largely silent since Hart first made her contest in December, but the hearing suggests that it is preparing to review the matter further.In question is the outcome of just one district — but Democrats hold only a five-seat majority in the House, making even a small change in numbers significant…“We are glad to see the House Committee on Administration taking action towards ensuring that every legally-cast vote is counted in this race and that all Iowans’ voices are heard,” Hart campaign manager Zach Meunier said in a statement. “Every legal voter in this country has a right to have their ballot counted and the remedy here is clear — count the ballots.”

By Democrat standards, isn’t this a dangerous threat to our democracy? Haven’t we been told for months that questioning the election’s outcome threatens the peaceful transfer of power?

The fact that Democrats would even think about revisiting this race is an insult to the entire country.

Tags: 2020 Election, House of Representatives, Iowa, Republicans