Dems Defeat Amendment Withholding Taxpayer Money to Public Schools That Don’t Open After Vaccinations
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Dems Defeat Amendment Withholding Taxpayer Money to Public Schools That Don’t Open After Vaccinations

Dems Defeat Amendment Withholding Taxpayer Money to Public Schools That Don’t Open After Vaccinations

Will anyone think about the children? I’m not being dramatic or sarcastic.

Republican Sens. Roy Blunt and Tim Scott offered an amendment to the $1.9 trillion relief proposal to deny taxpayer money to public schools that do not open even after teachers get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Some places, like Chicago and San Francisco, have not reopened. The teachers released a lot of demands, including vaccinations as soon as possible.

But the way the Chicago Teachers Union has acted gives everyone a reason to pause because they might not even go back after they get vaccinated. One example:

From Fox News:

As Democrats aimed to move forward with their $1.9 trillion relief proposal, Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Tim Scott, R-S.C., proposed a nonbinding measure to withhold emergency pandemic-related funding from K-12 schools that did not reopen for in-person learning after teachers had been offered the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The children most negatively impacted are those who are growing up poor, just like I did,” Scott said in a statement. “While teacher unions and their allies continue to change the rules as we go, we must be clear: if you have been vaccinated, it’s time to get back into the classroom.”

The amendment was not agreed to, falling down partisan lines at an even 50-50 split.

It took place during the “vote-a-rama.” The Senate must vote on all the proposed measures.

This must happen before the Senate can vote on the budget resolution.


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“As Democrats aimed to move forward with their $1.9 trillion relief proposal, Sens. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., and Tim Scott, R-S.C., proposed a nonbinding measure to withhold emergency pandemic-related funding from K-12 schools that did not reopen for in-person learning after teachers had been offered the COVID-19 vaccine.”

The resolution makes zero sense. Why nonbinding? Either force the issue by requesting a vote on making it mandatory or go home. And if this was an effort to embarrass the majority by making they cast an unpopular vote, does the GOPe seriously believe that the Joseph Goebbels media will broadcast ANYTHING that will make the Communists look bad?

I get the feeling the GOPe is back to its favorite off-Broadway production: Failure Theater.

    Recovering Lutheran…
    Tim Scott is our junior Senator here in SC. He is recieving some sideways glances from me over the past year. I don’t trust him nor Graham anymore.
    I think someone has a heaping pile of soil on both of them.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Recovering Lutheran. | February 5, 2021 at 2:41 pm

    Because it was more likely to pass if it’s non-binding…nothing against Scott here. You do what you gotta do when you aren’t in the majority.

    I think this is even more telling of who pays the Dems since it was non-binding. The press may not hold them accountable, but voting records are forever.

There will be no interruption in the 1.5trillion dollars being shoveled to Dem fundraising groups, including teachers unions. There will be no Republican amendments accepted on this giant wad of pork headed to be recycled into Dem fundraising. None. This is a Kneel Before Zod moment. $150b for actual Covid issues, $1,500b for recycled pork.

2smartforlibs | February 5, 2021 at 9:43 am

Mary, you have the same trope Joycelyn Edler made famous in that 90’s

I’m not sure people understand this: Chicago teachers are not going back, ever. Even if they are all vaccinated, they want teachers who live with a vulnerable person (literally all children/older people) to teach over Zoom *indefinitely*

lord–these aren’t first-responders–they’re jobs aren’t critical to our immediate survival in any sense

fire every last one of them, along with 90% of the useless administration deadwood

“their jobs” not “they’re jobs”

damned autopost

I don’t see the problem. These kids are a lot better off being home-schooled by people who actually care about them rather than being institutionalized and brainwashed by a bunch of SJWs and grievance mongers. Sure, it’s an imposition on the parents to actually have to deal with their own progeny, but that’s what they get for voting Democrat.

    Dathurtz in reply to txvet2. | February 5, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    They aren’t going to deal with it, though. People that are good parents/people don’t seem to be aware of the huge number of people that really really aren’t.

    I agree completely that a kid raised/schooled by their own parents/family/church/community group are way better off that ones that go through most public schools if the parents are diligent and actually teach the kids.

    I am probably a little jaded because of the number of parents who “homeschool” because they don’t want their child subject to mandated reporters and have totally failed to teach their kids anything. The parents that do a good job aren’t the ones I see.

      txvet2 in reply to Dathurtz. | February 5, 2021 at 7:30 pm

      Oh, I agree. I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek. My daughter let my grandson opt for home schooling for awhile. It apparently turned into a permanent summer vacation.

A lot of teachers really do care about their students. A lot don’t. I have never met any person in education above the level of classroom teacher that seems to care about the education and development of children.

The Friendly Grizzly | February 5, 2021 at 12:40 pm

I have said this in other threads on other sites: it is time for voters to disband their public school districts and find other means to educate their children.

I’m single, and have no children. I see very little return for the money confiscated from me for schools.

    I would absolutely love to teach for a community co-op of some sort if I could support my wife and children on that income. To be free of the insanity of state regulations seems like a dream that just couldn’t happen.

People need to get over the fantasy that someone else is going care enough to raise their children for them – especially a government bureaucracy.

Multnomah County (Portland, Oregon) has a dedicated property tax for the libraries, which have been 80-90% closed for the last 11 months. How about refunding all of the taxpayers the 80-90% of their taxes which did not provide the service.