Biden-Induced Border Crisis, Where COVID Meets Catch-And-Release

Before Joe Biden even took office, DHS reported a surge in illegal border crossings in anticipation of his presidency.  Since taking office, Biden has been busily undoing President Trump’s border and illegal immigration policy, effectively opening our borders in the midst of a global pandemic.

In addition to halting deportations and abolishing Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy,  Biden has reinstated the disastrous Obama-era ‘catch and release’ travesty and hamstrung ICE to the point that one official said that Biden has effectively “abolish[ed] ICE without abolishing ICE.”

None of this is a surprise since Biden ran—in part—on an open borders agenda, but there is a giant COVID donkey in the room.  Even the left is questioning the wisdom and impact on public health of rashly opening the borders to thousands of migrants in the midst of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Even the New York Times is expressing concern.

President Biden’s first immigration crisis has already begun as thousands of families have surged toward the southwestern border in recent weeks, propelled by expectations of a friendlier reception and by a change in Mexican policy that makes it harder for the United States to expel some of the migrants.

More than 1,000 people who had been detained after crossing have been released into the country in recent days in a swift reversal from the Trump administration’s near shutdown of the border. Many more people are gathering on the Mexican side, aggravating conditions there and testing America’s ability and willingness to admit migrants during a pandemic.

New families every day have been collecting in Mexican border towns, sleeping in the streets, under bridges and in dry ditches, according to lawyers and aid groups working along the border. On Thursday in Mexicali, across from Calexico, Calif., desperate migrants could be seen trying to scale a border fence. A migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, just across a bridge from Texas, has boomed to 1,000 people over the past few weeks.. . . . The prospect of large numbers of migrants entering the country during a pandemic could create a strong public backlash for Mr. Biden as his administration takes steps to undo the strict policies put into place by his predecessor.

The disregard for the pandemic that has so radically changed American society and destroyed the businesses and lives of so many Americas over the past year is not going unnoticed . . . except by White House press secretary Jen Psaki who apparently has no idea if the migrants are even being tested for Wuflu before being released into our country.

The Biden-inspired assault on our borders has reached “crisis levels,” with apparently no regard at all to the potential impact on public health or on American jobs.

And just think, we are only in week three of Biden’s “America Last” presidency.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Wuhan Coronavirus