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University of Pennsylvania Being Urged to Revoke Trump’s College Degree

University of Pennsylvania Being Urged to Revoke Trump’s College Degree

“calls have grown more urgent”

This is not an honorary degree. This is Trump’s actual college degree. This is madness.

BillyPen reports:

How UPenn could revoke Trump’s Wharton degree

People connected to the University of Pennsylvania have long demanded a more serious response to the actions of 1968 Wharton alumnus President Donald Trump. With last week’s riot at the Capitol, the calls have grown more urgent.

Both Lehigh University and Wagner College last week rescinded honorary degrees they had previously given to Trump, and some alumni are calling for the Philly school to do the same. Though his Ivy League diploma was paid for with tuition — earned, not bestowed like the others mentioned — UPenn’s bylaws do allow for those to be revoked in some circumstances, Billy Penn has confirmed.

Throughout Trump’s term, UPenn grads have called for investigations into his admittance, and students have asked the university to condemn his more incendiary statements and policies.

But the school’s administration has maintained a light touch. There’s been no official denunciation of the president, and Wharton faculty have refused to review the credentials that got him into the university.

If UPenn were to take action, how would it work? Here’s what the process looks like.

Can the University of Pennsylvania revoke an earned degree?

Yes. UPenn just refreshed its guidelines on rescinding degrees about a year and a half ago.

The university bylaws state that the university reserves the right to take back a degree if they find it has been obtained fraudulently, like if a student provided false information on their admission application. UPenn can also nullify your diploma if you plagiarized, cheated on a test, tampered with student records or engaged in any misconduct in a research project.


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The university doesn’t have standing.

“Throughout Trump’s term, UPenn grads have called for investigations into his admittance…”

Oh yes! Please open this can of worms. Right after investigating Trump we can look into how Obama got into Columbia and HLS. How Michelle got into Princeton. Kerry and Bush into Yale. All the Kennedys into Harvard, just for starters.

Let’s go!

    Anonamom in reply to Massinsanity. | January 17, 2021 at 10:45 am

    Sorry, but that’s not how these purges work. The “rules,” such as they are, apply only to the little people and to the enemies of the Uniparty. Members in good standing of the Uniparty must never, every be investigated. And, should we make the mistake of so doing, we must excuse any errors found, because Our Betters are far too important to prosecute. Just as James Comey and Hilary Clinton.

Once you’ve revoked one degree, it’s pretty simple to revoke the rest.

The Friendly Grizzly | January 15, 2021 at 1:07 pm

The nation further descends into infantile paralysis. And, I don’t mean polio.

The moment one university revokes an earned degree due to pressure from the politicized mob then we enter into the world where there is no point to earning a degree from a university. If at any point in the future after earning a degree it can be withdrawn due to political mobs then time is better spent elsewhere.

    MarkJ in reply to kyrrat. | January 15, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    Precisely. Who in their right mind would henceforth consider attending a university like UPenn if they knew their degree could be arbitrarily revoked on a whim by the campus administration?

    If the above happened, a sheepskin issued by a “diploma mill” would have way more value than anything handed out by UPenn.

      Milhouse in reply to MarkJ. | January 16, 2021 at 8:08 pm

      Who in his right mind already considers going there?

      Also, revoking a degree can’t stop you from truthfully telling potential employers or clients that you earned it.

    20keto20 in reply to kyrrat. | January 17, 2021 at 10:15 am

    So a degree is only politically valid if the recipient is politically aligned with the radicals in charge? Adolph must be really proud now as he watches his future companions from Hades! I see this as one of two ways–either you’re telling me that you award degrees on political ideology only (and Trump would have been acceptable at the time since he was in the Democrat fold when in college) or you are telling us that your degrees are gifts meted out solely on the basis of whim. Either way, I guess it explains the radical left’s fascination with gender/racial/globalist studies degrees which qualify their recipients for those minimum wage jobs that they so despise but reality sets in after wasting four years (or more) of their lives and a rather large pot of money (both our taxpayer dollars and some of theirs). Those who move in for these fake degrees should be made to pay for their own abject stupidity, especially if one is dumb enough to return to some of these same lame institutions for graduate degrees in the same useless areas!
    The Wharton School at Penn used to have a good reputation as a business school. I guess that they have so severely reduced their standards in the past few years that their only standards are the double standards of the hypocritic left Socialists.

The dopes will probably try to do it. It will show just what their degree is worth.

Are they going to refund his tuition?

Antifundamentalist | January 15, 2021 at 9:52 pm

So…they have no reason, under their current policy to revoke his degree. Unless, of course, they go fabricate something.

Shouldn’t Penn’s endowment be confiscated for reparations distributions? Jefferson… the slave owner’s name has defiled Penn’s medical school. All of those graduates degrees should be revoked and reissued under the auspices of Obama, Clyburn, Black Justice, Tyrone and Shawanda.

    DSHornet in reply to NotKennedy. | January 16, 2021 at 10:51 am

    Speaking of Jefferson, shall the University of Virginia be dissolved? These people aren’t thinking things through. They’re not thinking at all. So much for the value of a degree.

      20keto20 in reply to DSHornet. | January 17, 2021 at 10:18 am

      Hornet, you made one rather large assumption in your statement. You must be assuming that this crowd has the ability to think. I’m not sure that they have that capability.
      Just look at the article about Ohio State and the possibility of LSD to reduce racial stress. Whoever dotted that i must have been in a trial for the same!!