Twitter Permanently Bans My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Personal Account
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Twitter Permanently Bans My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Personal Account

Twitter Permanently Bans My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Personal Account

The My Pillow account is still active.

Twitter announced the platform permanently banned My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell because of “repeated violations of” the Civic Integrity Policy.

Twitter did not mention which tweets violated the policy.

Lindell has tweeted many times that the 2020 presidential election was a fraud:

Dominion Voting Systems has also threatened him with a lawsuit for falsely accusing the company of “stealing millions of votes.” Trump and his surrogates have also propagated bogus claims about Dominion’s voting machines.

Lindell reportedly said last week that retail chains including Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond had dropped My Pillow’s products after he made a trip to the White House to discuss alleged election fraud with Trump.

The My Pillow account is still active.


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“Civic Integrity Policy”?

How Orwellian is that?

thalesofmiletus | January 26, 2021 at 7:07 pm

Twitter Saving America from the Terror of the Best Night’s Sleep You Ever Had!

Guess I have to buy another couple pillows. Thinking of some towels, too.

The Friendly Grizzly | January 26, 2021 at 7:23 pm

Twitter: One of those many things I never knew I couldn’t live without.

My Pillow is the only pillow I will ever sleep on. It truly is “The best night’s sleep in the whole wide world!”

Those Giza Sheets look comfy too! May have to grab a set . . . . .

DieJustAsHappy | January 26, 2021 at 7:25 pm

That night overheard coming from Mike Lindell’s bedroom: ZZZzzz … ZZZzzz … ZZZzzz … ZZZzzz …

And Leftists will tell you there is no such thing as cancel culture.

He said on today’s Rush (Mark Steyn hosting) that the twitter account is still active but not under his control.

If you’re conservative (or classic-liberal) and you’re still using Twitter, you’re like an abused spouse who gets punched in the eye and then gets on her knees.

Get off your knees.

DELETE your Twitter account. And Facebook too.

A declining user count will put these companies into a financial death-spiral.

    Liberals are sado-masochists. The followers are masochists until they have an opportunity to turn sadistic. The sadistic leaders like pelosi, whitmer, cuomo etc, turn masochistic after they help turn loose a power like the Chicomms.

    It’s horrifying, but at least we know what animates these people, and it will aide in destroying their ability to destroy us.

MoeHowardwasright | January 26, 2021 at 8:20 pm twits banned his personal account. This cancel crap is like all liberal ? just going to far. The snap back when the rubber and breaks will hurt and leave a welt. They never learn. DONT USE THEIR APPS!!!! Don’t allow them to use you to enhance their revenue stream.

Twitter is a Pro-Choice corporation, politically congruent (“=”), and a sewer filled with rabid diversity, spreading disinformation and wielding the double-edged scalpel to abort competition that they deem a “burden”. h/t Obama

Twitter – building their business model on offending anyone and everyone with money.

amatuerwrangler | January 26, 2021 at 9:11 pm

Bed, Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s are not usual stops for me, but I am happy to avoid them altogether. I don’t do FB or Twitter so I can’t boycott them; If Jack Daniels goes to the dark side, then there will be trouble. This s88t is getting serious…

    Telemachus in reply to amatuerwrangler. | January 27, 2021 at 4:59 am

    I shop at BB&B occasionally when I’m in the US, so here’s a suggestion. If you have a little time spend, go there and fill up a cart with pretty expensive items. Once it’s full ask the sales clerk, or better yet, a manager, if they can direct you to the My Pillow items. When they give the bad news, but offer you an alternative product, act surprised, and decline. Ask why. And then politely tell them no thanks and that they can just return all of your cart items to the shelves. Stay civil, but let them know they’ve lost your business. Make sure the cart has several $100s of dollars of items in it.

‘Civic Integrity Policy.’

Why does @JackFascist hate recovering addicts??

@JackFascist speech is violence.

Demonize, demonetize, and deplatform now! That’s how we were told this works…

Come on over to GAB, Mike Lindell.

Badge of Honor!

Well hell, I’ve only had my MyPillow for a couple of nights, but I suppose Mrs. McG I can each use another one.

Mock any masochistic clown that still pays attention to twitter ir facebook, etc.

Boycott any store that won’t carry MyPillow. And buy a MyPillow.

Cancel your Twitter account.

Never go back.

Youtube has demonitizes The Epoch Times. Make sure you subscribe to it via its website.

Also: rino sh-t romney and murkowski voted to impeach.

2smartforlibs | January 27, 2021 at 7:32 am

Banning is one thing we all have that happen. They took his account over and posted. That’s a different matter.

Lindell is another conservative wimp who is all whine and no action. He has repeatedly said the he has evidence of machines flipping votes, being connected to the internet and China meddling, but refuses to divulge said information. Last night on Tucker he was complaining that WAPO and NYT refused to publish his “evidence, but never once asked Tucker for the time to do so. Mike this is your “give me liberty or give me death” moment and you’re screwing it up….or you are just another big phony looking for attention

Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where there the opposition is always the “enemy” along with unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, high-handed, dictatorial orders and “regulations” with the selective application of so-called “laws” largely based on whatever they think they can get away, sanitized with lies for our “protection” and all the Pay-To-Play graft, massive corruption and Da Minion Election machines to choose our “esteemed” leaders for us!

Oddly enough it’s pretty much the same as the old Communism!

I’ve banned Twitter or Twaddle…. whatever you want to call it…. from my life permanently.

I can’t help but think that Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, etc. are opening themselves up to liability by banning people based on the notion that they are “violent” or cause “harm.” And I don’t mean liability in the sense of defamation. I mean they have now acted on the belief they are preventing violence and harassment. They feel it is their “duty” to prevent violence and harassment. Are they now negligent when they fail in their duty. For example, suppose a high school student is being bullied on Facebook, but Facebook does nothing to ban the offending accounts and the student is hurt. Is Facebook now liable? Are the tech companies now open to lawsuits related to negligence? Would they be liable for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress? Suppose a Trump supporter is threatened and harassed and the tech companies do nothing, and the Trump support is physically harmed. Negligence? They admit they have a duty, they violated that duty, and there was a harm.

Speaking of Trump supporting CEOs, Goya, the Mexican food company that gets touted here, just suspended their CEO – because he’s a Trump supporter.