Princeton Prof Says Trump DC Protesters Were Treated Better by Police Than ‘Peaceful’ Protesters of Last Summer

We all watched for months as Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned American cities and the police stood by and did next to nothing. Yet Trump supporters in DC this week were treated better? Really?

NPR reports:

How Police Handled Pro-Trump Mob Compared With Protesters For Black Racial JusticeWhen a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, surprisingly few police stood in the way. Protests had been expected for days, but police appeared unprepared for an actual insurrection and not even prepared to keep all the doors locked. Video showed police calmly talking with attackers after they moved into the building.This came after a year of protests and confrontations with police after police shootings and other kinds of killings across the country. Many of those protests were put down more harshly, including those in Washington, D.C. Officials often responded with tear gas, Tasers or stun grenades.”What we see here is that certain bodies are accorded a certain kind of treatment and other bodies are not,” said Eddie Glaude, the chair of Princeton University’s Department of African American studies, in an interview with NPR’s Morning Edition.Glaude, who has written several books about race in the U.S., said that Wednesday’s violence at the Capitol demonstrated how “America is more comfortable with protest from the right than it is from the left.” Demonstrations from the left are often considered to represent “an existential threat to the country,” he said, whereas right-wing protests are taken “as a kind of patriotic gesture.”

Tags: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, College Insurrection, George Floyd