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Pence Speaks at the Senate: ‘You Did Not Win’ and ‘This is Still the People’s House’

Pence Speaks at the Senate: ‘You Did Not Win’ and ‘This is Still the People’s House’

“Today was a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol, but thanks to the swift efforts of U.S. Capitol Police, federal, state and local law enforcement, the violence was quelled.”

Vice President Mike Pence addressed the Senate as they made their way back to work after a horrible day at the U.S. Capitol.


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What violence? I saw people protesting, but there was no violence until a young lady was shot—by security inside the Capitol building.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 6, 2021 at 8:27 pm

Lines up with the rest that is coming out.

Liz Cheney Jumps in to Bash Trump after Supporters Storm Capitol (VIDEO)

“I Could Not Agree More with President-Elect Biden’s Statement” – Senator Lindsey Graham

Adult Male Stabbed Outside of Trump Hotel in DC

Former FBI Agent on the Ground at US Capitol Says at Least One Bus Load of Antifa Thugs Infiltrated Trump Demonstration

President Trump’s censored tweets are about keeping the peace.



Go back to the country club.

We are at war. We didn’t start it, but we’re going to finish it. We are not going to wind up like the poor suckers of Hong Kong.

Let’s start the divorce discussions. It’s the only way.

Oh, how presidential of him.

Pence the Pussy pontificates.

Shuddup, Pence. You had the chance to send certificates back to those states that did not comply with rules set by their legislatures as required by the plain text of the Constitution.

You’re happy to live with an election based on lies and deceit.

I missed the horrible part…
The second amendment wasn’t contemplated for self-defense
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

    I have some more information on the Antifa/BLM/disinformation character posing as a Trump supporter today while commiting crimes entering the capital today
    His name is Jake Angeli.
    He poses as a “Q-anon” follower and spreads disinformation
    The capital police escorted him into the building with his party (there’s video)
    Some of your premises may be wrong

Pence should have exercised his power and forced the courts join the battle. Instead, he just whimpered and sold the rest of us into slavery.

    alaskabob in reply to stablesort. | January 6, 2021 at 9:04 pm

    Pence is in on the Fix. It’s a cheap “Reichstag Moment” but enough to get the Republicans to fold. Another great move by Dems to plant Antifa in to start the incursion. The cops have been hailed as heros. The “Temple of Democracy” has been saved. Thousands of people were affected by the summer’s riots with 1-2 billion bucks damage. But that was to the little people. This was personal as they got pushed around. No time for retrospection to “empathize” with the protestors. How many entered the Capital of the thousands upon thousands of attendees? The Republican Party is dead to me. Pretending we live in a true legally representative Republic is gone. Start in as Huxley, end up as Orwell.

Up until today I was worried about the future of our Republic ans whether another Republican would ever win an election. Now? Most of the Republicans showed their true colors this afternoon (between yellow and blue) and I hope people never forget and vote the bastards out of office. My how far Tom Cotton as fallen. Pence is as good as Cher on her 10th farewell tour (and honestly Cher has better future prospects). Send them all packing.

Pence could have saved the republic, but chose not to. I don’t care why. He should be executed for treason.

Close The Fed | January 6, 2021 at 9:35 pm

Look, I assume Pence was chosen strategically, for assets he could bring to the presidential campaign in 2016. I have no idea what those were: votes, campaign donors, whatever.

However, he folded in his home state over the religious freedom situation and while in Congress, he advocated for amnesty for illegals, etc.

I never thought he was pro-Americans. That amnesty situation was toxic.

So, here we are, Mr. Establishment acting like he’s Mr. Establishment. No one should be shocked.

I was a little surprised by Rand Paul’s speech this evening, but he’s a horse of a different color.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Close The Fed. | January 6, 2021 at 11:52 pm

    Seriously I think Pence was chosen for this exact moment and his unmasking to show the citizens of the Midwest and Indiana what a snake he is always been his entire life.

    Honestly without the unmasking of Sessions do you think the good people in Alabama and the South would ever believe he were such a sell out snake?

“Today was a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol, but thanks to the swift efforts of U.S. Capitol Police, federal, state and local law enforcement, the violence was quelled.”

And now the country has been firmly delivered into the hands of the Communists. But I guess that isn’t the darkness Pence was talking about


I have some more information on the Antifa/BLM/disinformation character posing as a Trump supporter today while commiting crimes entering the capital today
His name is Jake Angeli.
He poses as a “Q-anon” follower and spreads disinformation
The capital police escorted him into the building with his party (there’s video)
Some of your premises may be wrong

All of this absooolutely would have been avoided.
If Democrats had agreed to play a straight game.

As it is, the People have lost faith in not only the Election, but of all of our Representation.

Had our request’s been heeded, the outcome would have been quite different.

The reaction of the people was forseeable.

The fault lies not with them, having no choice but to gather and voice their frustrations.
Unfortunately, some either infiltrated with ulterior motive, and very possibly others were swept up in the moment.

The only acceptable outcome in sight is a full and comprehensive examination of all elements of the Election.

This intransigence by the Democrat Party has caused the death of at least one so far.

Back to transparancy. As respectfully requested.

The woman who was shot in the Capitol was Ashli Babbit, a 14-year Air Force veteran.

Say her name, Senator Romneycare.
Say her name, all you Franz von Papen Republicans.

buckeyeminuteman | January 7, 2021 at 12:23 pm

Traitor sold out his running mate for 30 Pence of silver.