Pelosi: Democrats Will Proceed With Trump Impeachment if Pence, Cabinet Won’t Activate 25th Amendment
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Pelosi: Democrats Will Proceed With Trump Impeachment if Pence, Cabinet Won’t Activate 25th Amendment

Pelosi: Democrats Will Proceed With Trump Impeachment if Pence, Cabinet Won’t Activate 25th Amendment

The resolution claims that Trump “widely advertised and broadly encouraged” the riots at the Save America Rally as Congress counted and tried to certify the 2020 election results.

screen cap by WAJ, okay to use

The riots on Capitol Hill last Wednesday has caused people on the left to think President Donald Trump does not have the capabilities to finish his term.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to her Democrat colleagues that if Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet do not activate the 25th Amendment, then the House will proceed with impeachment articles.

“I want to call to your immediate attention the action to be taken tomorrow morning, when Majority Leader Hoyer will request Unanimous Consent to bring up the Raskin resolution,” urged Pelosi. “This resolution calls on the Vice President to convene and mobilize the Cabinet to activate the 25th Amendment to declare the President incapable of executing the duties of the office, after which the Vice President would immediately exercise powers as acting President. The text of the resolution can be found here.”

The resolution claims that Trump “widely advertised and broadly encouraged” the riots at the Save America Rally as Congress counted and tried to certify the 2020 election results.

The resolution also mentions how Trump attempted to “intervene in the lawful vote counting and certification process in Georgia and to coerce officials there into fraudulently declaring the winner of the State’s electoral votes.”

Therefore, the Democrats do not think Trump can proceed and want Pence to step in and stop him:

Whereas Donald Trump has demonstrated repeatedly, continuously, and spectacularly his absolute inability to discharge the most basic and fundamental powers and duties of his office, including most recently the duty to respect the legitimate results of the Presidential election, the duty to respect the peaceful transfer of democratic power under the Constitution, the duty to participate in legally defined transition activities, the duty to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States, including the counting of Electoral College votes by Congress, the duty to protect the people of the United States and their elected representatives against domestic insurrection, mob rule, and seditious violence, and generally the duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed:

The above reasons are why the House wants Pence “to immediately use his powers under section 4 of the 25th amendment to convene and mobilize the principal officers of the executive departments in the Cabinet to declare with is obvious to a horrified nation: That the President is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.”

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment states:

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

The text says a majority of the Cabinet. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos resigned last week.

Pelosi said she would bring the resolution to the floor on Tuesday if the Democrats do not receive unanimous consent on the phone call.

Then she will give Pence 24 hours to respond.

If Pence does not comply, then the Democrats will introduce articles of impeachment:

Next, we will proceed with bringing impeachment legislation to the Floor.

In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both. As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President is intensified and so is the immediate need for action.


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This is a coup.
Democrats and big tech companies are all guilty.
We should not accept a Biden administration. We have to organize and take action, and that’s probably the reason for the crackdown against free speech social media.

Close The Fed | January 11, 2021 at 9:10 am

She’s a wicked old bat.

In repub held states, we need to begin work this week on increasing election integrity. THIS week. Find out who your local legislators are, find out who is on the committees that examine election law matters, and start working on this.

    It really doesnt matter what happens in Republican controlled States simply because all the damage is being done in Democrat controlled States (and yes, even those Republican States with Republican Democrat Govna’s and Secretary of States who ignore the legislature are Democrat controlled States).

FWIW I heard on a radio talk show… the cabinet left because they did not want to be part of that 25th amendment bs.

Payback is a bitch,, well I can hope it will be.

I am still waiting on the Secret Service to visit Pelosi about her conversation with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

    nebel in reply to Tsquared. | January 11, 2021 at 9:37 am

    US Marshals with an arrest warrant would be even better.

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to Tsquared. | January 11, 2021 at 11:10 am

    She is trying to politically isolate Trump. The call for 25th amendment action is more of the same. Removal via the 25th amendment is actually harder than removal via impeachment. I am sure she knows that. She is just trying to get high level Republicans to break with Trump publicly to come out and support the President’s removal.

    Of course there is no point on this because Joe Biden will be president on 20 JAN 2021, and Trump will not.

    What is really surprising is that any Republican would stand for any of this impeachment or 25th amendment movement. Are they unaware that the Trump base is the base and core of their party? To move against it is political suicide for most. It’s not like they will be replaced by Trumpers, but more likely they will be replaced by Democrats because of a split in the Republican party. That is all this 25th amendment and impeachment talk is, a means to divide up the Republican party and kill it as an effective opposition party.

    If the Republican leadership (House and senate members, state and local office holders) think they can disregard the Trump base and stay in office, good luck with winning an election when half your party’s electorate stays home.

    I assume they think Republicans will continue to vote for them because they are not Nancy Pelosi. But the Republican party is feckless at protecting and promoting their interests, and acts as if it despises its base.

    Trump created a new Republican coalition, and the Republican party does not want it. Oh, well.

    Milhouse in reply to Tsquared. | January 12, 2021 at 1:55 am

    Nah, her conversation is protected both by the first amendment and by the speech or debate clause. Just as is Trump’s speech.

“Profiles in Vindictiveness” by Nancy Pelosi, with a forward by Chuck Schumer

2smartforlibs | January 11, 2021 at 9:44 am

I believe she needs to get those articles up for Quid pro-Joe. Remember he actually did violate federal law when he used his office to get his kid off in Ukraine. Title 15, 18 if your counting.

Having read that resolution Pelosi proposes it is obvious that it asks the Vice President to violate the Constitution and try to engage in a coup.
Not only that, Pelosi threatens Impeachment if the Vice President does not go along with the coup she demands.

At the same time, no GOPe can be heard to condemn this obvious assault on the Constitution and the republic.

It is as if they think that they can get rid of Trump by blaming him for rioters (so far no individual rioter’s real political affiliation and motivation has been ascertained) and go back to the halcyon GOPe days and blithely ignore that the left and their media and big tech allies rush to use this event to bring us effectively the American version of the Reichstagsbrand: effectively suspending constitutional rights of free speech, peaceful assembly and others for their political opponents.

Then again, it clearly is not an attack on the constitution that warrants voicing even mildest dissent. After all, it is carried out by the left and has a high probability of success.

Hurry, Nancy, Hurry. Before the President de-classifies some important papers so the public can see what you and Joe have been up to.

Richard Epstein, who’s always been a Trump needs to resign person, owing probably to an inability to read Trump, says firewalls should be erected so that nobody suffers legal peril of prosecution if they disobey any Trump order, but impeachment or 25th amendment would create more problems than it would solve.

I think he’s misplacing the derangement problem, but the dems aren’t into solving problems. They want to create them.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his “Old Soldiers Never Die” speech:

“There are some who for varying reasons would appease Red China. They are blind to history’s clear lesson, for history teaches with unmistakable emphasis that appeasement begets new and bloodier war.”

I wonder what his thoughts were on the consequences of aligning with them? Regardless, we’re witnessing it in real time.

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to windbag. | January 11, 2021 at 11:29 am

    The problem is that today, the nation state is a hinderance to governance by the global oligarchy. China is a market with greater total potential than the US, so to global corporations, the interests of China are important than the interest of the US. A global corporation has no loyalty to any nation state. That’s why “America First” is now so anathema and vile to their ears. No country is first. Only their return on investment and wealth matters. Anything that puts up a barrier to the free flow of capital, like nationalism and concern for some people over another, is simply sentimental drivel and must be crushed.

    The global oligarchs have a world to run. Don’t get in their way, or you shall be cancelled.

    The point is, global corporations demand global governance. That is what the obliteration of boarders and hate for nationalism is all about. Truly when we go to war, it will now be for the interest of a global oligarchy’s interest. Not the interests of the American people.

    I think many people are misidentifying the threat. It’s not socialism or communism. It is more of a corporatist fascism. I think the Republican party has considered itself corporate friendly all these many years, thinking the power of corporations could be a counterweight to the power of government. But notice the large corporations are all uniformly anti-Republican now. They are in essence the government now, and do not like anyone that would challenge their control or agenda. Conservatives are only a fraction of their global market. They just do not care about you. You stop buying or using their products. They simply do not care at this point. There now must be a global counter movement to their control, not one isolated in the US.

    Trump was the last stand against globalism. Welcome to serfdom.

Paul, I second the motion.

IF they were t o impeach Trump. The articles could not be acted on until the Senate is in session at which point Trump will be out of office and a private citizen. The only effect of Trump being impeached and convicted is that he could not run again.

How is that not a bill of attainder?

    NavyMustang in reply to thad_the_man. | January 11, 2021 at 10:44 am

    “The only effect of Trump being impeached and convicted is that he could not run again.”

    And this is exactly what they want. Exactly.

    Alcee Hastings in Congress was impeached as a judge but then elected to Congress. So impeachment doesn’t mean you can’t run again.

      clintack in reply to james h. | January 11, 2021 at 10:59 am

      It depends on what punishment the Senate chooses to apply when they convict. It can be just removal from office, or it can also bar future service. Though I think there’s some question about what is and isn’t included in the bar.

      thad_the_man in reply to james h. | January 11, 2021 at 11:00 am

      The procedure is that if they vote to convict, they take another vote about whether to barr you from future office.
      In the case of hastings the second failed or was never taken.

    Milhouse in reply to thad_the_man. | January 12, 2021 at 1:59 am

    Impeachment is not a bill of attainder. Whether the person is still in office is irrelevant.

    And they may think that if they impeach and convict him they could bar him from running again, but I believe the better reading is that elected office is not an “office under the united states”.

Because the 25th Amendment can be invoked any time you don’t like somebody and want them to go away, apparently.

    clintack in reply to UJ. | January 11, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Perhaps they’re just trying to normalize the idea of a 25th Amendment removal, for when they use it to remove Joe Biden. (Or use it privately as a threat…)

“The riots on Capitol Hill last Wednesday has caused people on the left to think President Donald Trump does not have the capabilities to finish his term.”

This is false. They have been out to get him since before he first took office. Now they think they have both the power and political cover. That’s the only difference.

4 possibilities occur to me:

1. They are terrified of what he is about to declassify and want him gone before he can do so.
2. Alternately, they want to tie him up for the upcoming week to the extent that he simply doesn’t have time to declassify (they assume that Trump like them is incapable of doing more than one thing at a time)
3. They are vindictive and are kicking him on his way out the door
4. They want to ensure he is not a political player in 2024

Cheers –

Don’t go easy on her Paul.

IMO, this, wish casting demand for DJT VP and Cabinet to involve the 25th amendment is simple political extortion. A good.old fashioned attempt to force your political opponent into a vote they would.rather not hold.

Same but writ large for another round of Impeachment theater.

Same for the over the top musings about the Representative and Senators who voted to challenge the electoral slates of certain States. The d/progressive cabal is floating the idea that their vote was tantamount to engaging in an ‘insurrection or rebellion’ and therefore those members are not eligible to serve.

The d/progressive have the thinnest HoR majority and an uncertain tie in the Senate with the weakest President, maybe ever. They are trying to distract their base from their inherent weaknesses by all this public wish casting.

They and the would be oligarchs are flexing their muscle. They will continue to do so until, IMO, post 2022 midterm, which will see r regain control in HoR and Senate.

Do your part by registering to vote, organizing for local municipal, school board, County commission, county Sheriff and State legislative elections. In some States these are held ‘off year’ so get informed about your local elections and candidates.

As we.have just seen, local county officials have a tremendous impact on elections. Support those who will work for ballot integrity and local control.

    mark311 in reply to CommoChief. | January 12, 2021 at 11:03 am

    Doesnt the senate map favour the Democracts in the 2022 mid term elections?

      Yes, the Senate map is slightly better for Democrats in 2022 and much better for Republicans in 2024. The House map is obviously better for Republicans in 2022. At least inasmuch as these things used to be weighed. A lot has changed, obviously, and we don’t yet know the impact any of it will have. A lot more can and will happen between now and the midterms, as well.

Such a disservice to ice cream!

You really have to realize that government, most of business and most of life for that matter are really one big Potemkin Village.
When you get right down to it, Congress is just a building with a bunch of folks in it who thing they run everything, but they really are just a building with a bunch of folks in it.
The “riot” at the Capitol had the biggest threat that it would reveal that they are mortal beings.
I particular will point out “Cocaine Mitch” who snapped back the quickest to defend the institution before the people.

You really have to realize that government, most of business and most of life for that matter are really one big Potemkin Village, a façade . Civilization is on cardboard thick. Government is only paper thick.

When you get right down to it, Congress is just a building with a bunch of folks in it who thing they run everything, but they really are just a building with a bunch of folks in it.

Their biggest fear is that too many will realize that it is all just one big Potemkin Village, and they are just mortals. The “riot” at the Capitol had the biggest threat that it would reveal that they are mortal beings.

I particular will point out “Cocaine Mitch” who snapped back the quickest to defend the institution before the people, even before the “riot”.

To question the electoral process, is to undermine the entire facade.

Has anyone noticed what has happened lately? The claims of 2020 election fraud have all but disappeared from the news cycle. We just went through another election in GA with the same people in place that were there during the General Election. And, we saw the two Democrat candidates squeak by to “win”. And, no one in a position of authority wants to hear anymore about a potential criminal situation which could rock this nation to its very core.

Then we have fact that there were a number of publicly identified anti-Trump actors involved in the march on the Capital [including identified BLM activists]. But, in the MSM universe, everyone involved was a Trump supporter. The fact that for several months BLM, AntiFa and several other radical Progressive groups rioted, committed arson, theft, burglary, harassment, assault and battery and even homicide were not only tolerated, but excused and justified, by liberal Progressive leaders.

Then, the Capital incursion is the left’s Reichstag fire. It is being blamed entirely upon Trump supporters, just as the Rsichstag was blamed entirely upon the communists. But, just as with that incident, the evidence leaves doubt as to who did what at the Capital.

And then there is the obvious. The fact that the Capital incursion was conducted mainly by Trump supporters, has terrified the progressive political elite in this country. When AntiFa and BLM were only threatening the proles, burning and looting businesses that did not belong to them and murdering citizens not related to them, they were seemingly unconcerned. But, let them be threatened, even indirectly and in their own minds, and they become terrified.

So, the push to remove Trump from office becomes necessary for a variety of reasons. One is the curtain around the wizard. Pay no attention to the issues behind the curtain. It is a gigantic misdirection play. It is also being used as a means to justify attacks against those who supported Trump and whom he represented and justify encroachment onto 1st and 2nd amendment protections.

Just more smoke and mirrors to confuse the proles.