Middlebury College May Rescind Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree for ‘Fomenting Insurrection’
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Middlebury College May Rescind Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree for ‘Fomenting Insurrection’

Middlebury College May Rescind Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree for ‘Fomenting Insurrection’

“fomenting the violent uprising against our nation’s Capitol building”


Now is a good time to recall that a violent mob of students at Middlebury sent a professor to the emergency room a few years ago. Do you know how many people were stripped of degrees over that? Zero.

The College Fix reports:

Middlebury says it may rescind Rudy Giuliani’s honorary degree for ‘fomenting insurrection’

Fifteen years ago, the editor-in-chief of the Middlebury Campus resigned for portraying its upcoming commencement speaker, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, as Adolf Hitler.

The Middlebury College campus newspaper redeemed itself this week, seemingly convincing the Vermont liberal arts school to consider rescinding Giuliani’s honorary law degree.

Several hours after the editorial board demanded the rescission of the degree, comparing Giuliani to convicted rapist Bill Cosby, Middlebury President Laurie Patton said the college would formally explore that option.

In a Facebook post Sunday afternoon, Patton cited “the role” that Giuliani played “in fomenting the violent uprising against our nation’s Capitol building” on Wednesday, which delayed the election certification process and ended with deaths of a Capitol Police officer and a protester. She called this an “insurrection against democracy itself.”

Giuliani served as an attorney for President Trump’s legal challenges to the election results, but Patton did not specify what words or conduct by Giuliani led Middlebury to consider rescinding his degree.

The campus newspaper used similar wording against Giuliani, saying his “actions directly endangered lives while instigating insurrection,” citing his infamous suggestion at a Wednesday rally to decide the disputed election via “trial by combat.”


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Rescinding an honorary degree = withdrawing a meaningless gesture.

Virtue signaling at its best!

My alma mater. What a disgrace it’s become. Totally overrun by the goose-stepping, jackbooted, totalitarian and obnoxiously intolerant Dhimmi-crat fascists.

Rudy should take an exacto style knife, remove any reference to himself, fold it up, and mail it back to them, parcel post.

    I’d be in favor of Rudy texting a video to Middlebury showing him crumpling up the diploma and tossing it in a lighted fireplace.

    That…or lining his bird cage with it.

Cheap virtue signaling. Middlebury is attempting to deflect attention from the fact that it is in financial trouble, hemorrhaging money faster than it is losing students.

Not that Rudy should mind, because Middlebury has developed some characteristics with which he might not want to be associated. Like its willingness to physically assault and maim speakers.

But I don’t get this whole idea of rescinding degrees. Is a degree a loan as long as they still like you? Rescinding a degree strikes me as a temper tantrum (something Mbury has become good at) nothing more.

Um, also, an honorary law degree? They don’t have a law school.