Lin Wood Tweet Thread Accuses Pence of Being “Disloyal” to Trump, “Traitor to We The People”

Lin Wood, Trump ally, and the attorney deeply entrenched in the Georgia special election efforts unleashed an interesting tweet thread in the wee hours of Monday morn.

In the thread, Wood suggested VP Pence was “disloyal” to Trump, saying Pence wants to be president in 2024, and calling Pence a “traitor to We The People.”

Wood also said he believes, “Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape,” and says he “the key to the files containing the videos.”

Tweets are as follows:

This morning, Wood sent two tweets saying that two of the tweets he sent the night prior may not be fully accurate:

Wood has levied incredibly serious accusations and has not provided any evidence publicly to back them up. Similar is the case of Sidney Powell. Many claims, no hard evidence to speak of.

Wood ingratiated himself with the right when he represented Nick Sandman, who was maligned by mainstream media outlets for a photo showing him smirking. Goodwill he’s blown through encouraging people NOT to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs and now through wild accusations rendered without one ounce of evidence.

Tags: 2020 Election, Lin Wood, Mike Pence