Israel Warns Lebanon of ‘Extremely Significant Couterattack’ if Hezbollah Attacks
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Israel Warns Lebanon of ‘Extremely Significant Couterattack’ if Hezbollah Attacks

Israel Warns Lebanon of ‘Extremely Significant Couterattack’ if Hezbollah Attacks

IDF chief Kochavi: “In the face of these threats, we will respond with an extremely significant counterattack that will include targeting rockets, missiles and weapons.”

Israeli military chief has warned neighboring Lebanon of an ‘extremely significant counterattack’ if Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist militia uses the country to launch attacks against Israel.

“In the face of these threats, we will respond with an extremely significant counterattack that will include targeting rockets, missiles and weapons, whether in open areas, or adjacent to and inside buildings,” Israel Defense Forces (IDF) chief Aviv Kochavi said.

Israeli broadcaster Arutz Sheva reported the IDF chief’s statement amid heightened hostilities from the Iran-Hezbollah nexus:

[IDF Chief of Staff Kochavi] addressed the threats facing Israel from the north and the south. “In the next war, we will alert populations in Lebanon and in Gaza the moment tensions begin that they must leave areas in which rockets and missiles are being stored,” he said,

“The enemy chose to entrench itself and its weapons, including missiles and rockets, in urban areas. They deliberately ignore international law; the clearest proof of this is that they intend to fire all these missiles toward Afula, Metula and Gush Dan. They have dispersed and decentralized all their networks, so it is imperative to adapt both the State of Israel, the IDF, and the international community to this reality.

“The changing nature of the battlefield requires changes of us as well. We must expose the capabilities of our enemies more effectively, and this is the essence of our multi-year plan,” he said. (…)

He warned Israel’s citizens that should a war break out, many missiles and rockets would fall on Israel’s population centers. “This is an opportunity and an obligation for me to remind the citizens of the State of Israel as clearly as possible that on D-Day, during a war, many missiles and rockets will explode here and it won’t be easy.”

“In the face of these threats, we will respond with an extremely significant counterattack that will include targeting rockets, missiles and weapons, whether in open areas, or adjacent to and inside buildings,” Kochavi declared.

The warning comes as Iran arms Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Palestinian terrorist groups with long-range and precision-guided missiles capable of hitting almost all Israeli population centers.

“The number of precision missiles at the resistance’s disposal has now doubled from what it was a year ago,” Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah declared last month. “Any target across the area of ​​occupied Palestine that we want to hit accurately — we are able to hit accurately.”

Hezbollah, Iran’s most potent terrorist proxy, is a significant stakeholder in the Lebanese government. The Iran-bankrolled terrorist militia directly controls large swathes of the country, including parts of the capital, Beirut, and southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah uses Lebanese people as human shields, hiding its missiles and weapons arsenal in crowded neighborhoods. In August, a massive explosion rocked Beirut killing hundreds of people. Western intelligence pointed to a large number of explosives stored in a warehouse shipped by Iran to Hezbollah.

“All the missile capabilities of Gaza and Lebanon have been supported by Iran, and they are the front line for confrontation,” a senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Amir Ali Hajizadeh, admitted earlier this month.

Thanks to Tehran, The IRGC commander boasted: “Today, the Palestinians fire rockets instead of throwing stones,” adding that “[w]e have a general order from the guide, Ali Khamenei, to level Haifa and Tel Aviv to the ground” in case of an armed conflict with Israel.

IDF chief Lieutenant General Kochavi also raised concern over the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. President Joe Biden’s administration wants the U.S. to reenter the Obama-era nuclear deal abandoned by President Donald Trump in 2018. President Biden called his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, on Sunday to “coordinate on Iran nuclear deal,” news reports say.

“Iran is not only a threat to Israel, it is a threat to the entire world,” Israeli military chief cautioned. “If the 2015 nuclear deal had been implemented, Iran eventually would have been able to construct a bomb, because the agreement did not include restrictions and oversight to prevent it. Anything similar to the current agreement or even an improved agreement would be unacceptable and should not be allowed,” Lt. Gen. Kochavi added.

Prime Minister Netanyahu warns Hezbollah, as he visits IDF troops (October 2020)


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JusticeDelivered | January 27, 2021 at 1:09 pm

I wish Israel would respond with fuel air bombs, incinerating a circle 1-2 miles in diameter. War is about causing enough property damage and loss of life to make one’s adversary beg for peace. Anything less will not end the war.

G. de La Hoya | January 27, 2021 at 1:09 pm

Hey Joe, where you goin’ with that Iran Nuke Deal in your hand? I would call Joe some expletives, but it would be like calling my past and present demented relatives some names when they don’t know what the hell they are even doing.

On another note, I do like when leaders say what they mean and mean what they say, ie IDF 🙂

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to G. de La Hoya. | January 28, 2021 at 1:10 am

    “Hey Joe, where you goin’ with that Iran Nuke Deal in your hand?”

    It would be interesting if you could turn this into a Jimmy Hendrix song.

    Milhouse in reply to G. de La Hoya. | January 28, 2021 at 3:33 am

    On another note, I do like when leaders say what they mean and mean what they say, ie IDF ?

    I wouldn’t bet that they do. Kochavi can say all he likes, but when push comes to shove every command decision is subject to the veto of the lawyers. Like the “political officers” of the old Soviet Army, each IDF unit has a lawyer and his job is to countermand any order that he believes violates “international law”. The “law” comes first, and the war effort second. It’s pathetic and suicidal.

    And it all comes courtesy of the Israeli High Court and the “Government Legal Adviser” (the title is usually translated into English as “Attorney General” but that is incorrect and highly misleading), who are Israel’s biggest enemies.

The “fruits” of vile Obama’s dhimmitude/appeasement of Iran’s Islamic theocrats and sundry other jihadist thugs, shared by the rest of his miserable, despicable Dhimmi-crat comrades.

Well now that Trump is not there to hold them back, they might have some issues.

When Israel draws a redline in the sand, guess what? It’s an actual redline in the sand. If you think they’re bluffing, go ahead and stick your toe over it; but be prepared to lose not only your toe, but your foot, your ankle and half of your leg.

I expect that Biden will resume Obama’s shipments of planeloads of US currency to Iran to get them to release the US citizens they hold for ransom. Then he will brag about how he got them released and how he trusts the Iranians and wants to drop the sanctions.

Israel knows how you have to deal with Iran, and Trump listened to the Israelis. Obama repeatedly stabbed Israel in the back, and the Israelis know that Biden is likely to do the same. So the Israelis may have to go to war with Iran and its proxies.

If Hezbollah tries to “level Haifa and Tel Aviv,” and Israel feels itself isolated by Biden and the EU, then the Israelis may have to take on Tehran by themselves. Such an existential threat might easily result in the use of nuclear weapons. Biden needs to get his act together.

    redc1c4 in reply to OldProf2. | January 27, 2021 at 4:25 pm

    Zhou Bai-Din has no act to get together… WSIWYG. a senile, demented Leftest idiot that was never a rocket scientist back in what passed for his glory years.

    hell, he’s not even in charge, just the doddering figurehead for all the America hating swine running the show behind the scenes.


    the good news is that, now that Trump got Israel & the Saudi’s to cooperate, the IAF has a much better routing, with a more achievable flight profile, to do what needs to be done in Iran.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to OldProf2. | January 27, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    I thought that Trump moved the embassy as an up yours over Obama’s UN BS. I loved it.

    I expect that Iran might have a nuclear accident as a result of Islam induced incompetence. That might be a great covert operation.

This is not “biden” doing anything.

This is about SUSAN RICE being the racist, Jew-hating scumbag she is. And SHE IS IN CHARGE: