Harvard Students Launch Petition to Revoke Degrees of Trump Supporters in Government

Ted Cruz

Lehigh University has already revoked an honorary degree from Trump, and Middlebury College is considering doing the same to Rudy Giuliani.

What is now happening at Harvard is not about honorary degrees.

Students and alumni are demanding that the school revoke earned degrees of people who worked in the Trump administration, and even people in other government positions who support him, such as Senator Ted Cruz.

Michael W. Chapman reports at CNS News:

Harvard Campaign Seeks to ‘Revoke Degrees’ of Trump Officials and Trump AlliesGraduate students and alumni of the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) have launched a campaign and petition to revoke the degrees earned by Harvard alumni who worked in the Trump administration and Harvard grads in Congress who support the president.”Harvard must revoke the degrees of alumni whose incendiary language and subversion of democratic processes — rooted in a history of white supremacist voter suppression — incited the violent insurrection on January 6,” reads the petition, which is headlined “Revoke Their Degrees.”

Here’s an excerpt from the petition:

The campaign to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election left five dead and nearly killed many more as armed, organized insurrectionists with Confederate flags and Nazi paraphernalia stormed the Capitol in search of members of Congress to kill or capture. Nationwide violence is expected in the weeks to come.Is Harvard University prepared to take a stand for representative democracy and against violent white supremacy?It’s no secret that over a dozen Harvard graduates worked hard to spread the disinformation and mistrust that created last Wednesday’s insurrection – from Representative Dan Crenshaw (HKS ‘17), who supported the December Texas lawsuit to invalidate the election, to Senator Ted Cruz (HLS ’97), one of the loudest claimants of fraud and a rare senator still objecting to the election certification after the violence at the Capitol, to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany (HLS ’17), who dutifully denies the validity of the election.Harvard must revoke the degrees of alumni whose incendiary language and subversion of democratic processes–rooted in a history of white supremacist voter suppression–incited the violent insurrection on January 6. This includes all who have used their platforms to deny the validity of the presidential election. They do not and should not represent a university committed to “strengthening democracy” and “the advancement of justice.”

According to the FOX Business Network, the school is aware of the petition:

A spokesman for Harvard declined to comment other than to say the university is aware of the petition. McEnany, Cruz and Crenshaw had no immediate comment.The petition began circulating on Wednesday and is said to be gaining some traction among both current and former students, FOX Business has learned.“I was surprised how popular this petition is even among mid-career students” one student who says he won’t sign on to the effort and spoke on the condition of anonymity because he’s afraid of reprisals. “It’s one thing for 22-year-olds to sign onto something radical but another thing for 40-year-olds to buy into it.”

Now might be a good time to remind these students that the domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, a personal friend of President Obama, taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The fugitive cop-killer Assata Shakur is routinely celebrated by leftists on college campuses in the United States.

The anti-Israel terrorist Rasmea Odeh was often invited to speak at American colleges until she was deported.

America will not be lectured about Ted Cruz being a supporter of terrorism by students who attend a school that awarded a degree to Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber.

I don’t recall seeing a petition demanding the revocation of his degree.

Tags: Cancel Culture, College Insurrection, Dan Crenshaw, Harvard, Middlebury College, Republicans, Trump Administration, Trump Derangement Syndrome