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Duke University Profs Want Joe Biden to Create a ‘Misinformation Commission’

Duke University Profs Want Joe Biden to Create a ‘Misinformation Commission’

“In other words, let no crisis go to waste.”

Isn’t this what George Orwell called the Ministry of Truth? People on the left either don’t see what they are becoming or just don’t care.

The Federalist reports:

Duke Profs Call For Biden To Create A Misinformation Commission

A pair of Duke University professors are calling on President-elect Joe Biden to establish a bipartisan commission to address fake news.

The commission, said professors Philip Napoli and Bill Adair, who also helped launch PolitiFact, would investigate the rise of fake news and propose recommendations to a Democratic White House and Congress to cement the corporate media and big tech’s monopoly on truth.

“The attack on the Capitol was rooted in misinformation,” the professors explained in an op-ed for The Hill, capitalizing on the siege to warrant the commission. “By moving swiftly to establish a commission with a broad mission and a diverse membership, President-elect Biden can seize the moment to address one of the greatest problems facing the nation.” In other words, let no crisis go to waste.


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The Progressive Left + Media have their Reichstag fire. It just gives them the chance to advance their plans and to give them cover of dealing with a crisis.

With due respect to Godwin’s Law. 🙂

The Friendly Grizzly | January 14, 2021 at 8:46 am

We already have such commissions. PBS, CPB, VofA…

We can call it the House Pro-American Activities Commission.

Just what we need, a Ministry of Truth. /sarc

Of course Biden will have his various spokespeople, all of whom will constitute a Misinformation Commission.

*President-elect Biden can seize the moment to address one of the greatest problems facing the nation.*

Yeah, to them that problem is free speech.