Biden, Harris Inject Race Into Non-Racial Riots at Capitol Hill, Lie About BLM Riots

Biden Harris

Ah, the beginning of four years of feels and not facts. Social justice instead of the economy and jobs.

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris both injected race into the Capitol Hill riots while ignoring basic facts about said riots.

Race? No!

The riots on Capitol Hill are no different than the violence at protests in the summer when it comes to the objective: CHAOS.

It’s not about race. It’s not about a stolen election. It’s about causing chaos and being jerks. Maybe even achieving 15 minutes of fame.

ALL OF THEM are thugs.

See how easy that was to be consistent?

Biden and Harris

FACTS, my friends. Facts are so freaking important.

It was mostly peaceful last summer!

What Happened on Capitol Hill

Four people died, 68 arrested, and numerous injuries.

Videos show that police did all they could to stop these boneheads and criminals on Capitol Hill. They were overwhelmed.

I guess they didn’t see videos of the cops going after the Trump supporters as they tried to make their way into the Capitol.


Tear gas inside the Capitol. Tear gas still in the air OUTSIDE after the riot.

Riot police!

Those Peaceful Protests

There were plenty of peaceful protests over the summer until thugs took over. Those who wanted peaceful protests tried to stop the violence, begging for them to stop.

So technically Harris and Biden did not lie, but they ignored what those goons did at night. The police obviously did so much in the cities to stop them. After all, how else could the rioters cause so much damage and loot all the stores?

I mean…

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Breonna Taylor, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris