Trump COVID Vaccine Skeptic Andrew Cuomo Says We Need a ‘Public Education Campaign’ to Fight Vaccine Skepticism

Remember when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that people should be skeptical of a COVID vaccine developed under Trump? He doesn’t.

Now that a vaccine is becoming available, Cuomo says we need a “public education campaign” to fight skepticism.

This report is from WBFO News (a National Public Radio station) and makes no mention of Cuomo’s previous comments, oddly enough:

Cuomo: uphill battle to convince skeptics to take COVID-19 vaccineNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the a COVID-19 vaccine could be ready and available in the state as soon as this weekend.During a Wednesday COVID-19 briefing, the Governor explained that it will be an uphill battle to dispel existing skepticism of the vaccine.“First, we’re going to have to have a real public education campaign to battle the skepticism,” he said. “Just think of the math on this; you have to get 75% to 85% of the overall population for the vaccination to be effective. 75 to 85%. 50% of the population says right now they don’t want to take the vaccine. They don’t trust the approval process, they’re worried about vaccines in general. But now 50% are now saying they don’t want to take the vaccine. You can’t get to 75% if 50% don’t take it.”

Here’s a video of Cuomo’s comments. Note that he mentions the importance of social justice in this effort, because science:

Where could all this skepticism about the vaccine be coming from? Here’s Cuomo back in October saying that the American people should be skeptical about a vaccine developed under “this” CDC and “this” FDA. There are so many problems with “this” administration, after all:

Democrats and the media think no one remembers anything.

Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Democrats, New York, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus