Texas A&M Apologizes to Student Over Investigation for Trump Signs

We mentioned this story in a recent quick take. This student was being investigated for putting pro-Trump signs on public land. It’s good that the school has apologized.

The College Fix reports:

Texas A&M apologizes to pro-Trump student over investigationTexas A&M had reportedly threatened with an investigation and possible discipline the president of the school’s Students for Trump chapter after he and other members posted “Trump 2020 Keep America Great” signs around campus the night before Election Day.The university, in a statement to The College Fix, said it was a misunderstanding, has apologized to the student, and promised to make changes.“The Student Conduct Office was in direct contact on Friday, Dec 4, with the student leader to sincerely apologize,” according to campus officials.A letter sent to student Dion Okeke from the Student Conduct Office had required him to attend a meeting regarding the signage incident, which took place Nov. 2, Campus Reform reported.The Dec. 3 letter to Okeke, on official Texas A&M letterhead, stated in bold lettering: “You are required to contact the Student Conduct Office … to set up an appointment. Failure to contact the Student Conduct Office … may result in an administrative hold being placed on your registration.”If Okeke did not attend the meeting, the letter went on, he would be violating university rules, “resulting in the possibility of Student Conduct Code charges being brought against you.” The memo goes on to remind Okeke not to bring a concealed handgun to the meeting.Okeke did not respond to requests from The College Fix for comment.

Tags: College Insurrection, Texas