Mandatory Anti-Racism Course at U. Pittsburgh Filled With BLM Talking Points

So at the University of Pittsburgh, students are being forced to learn concepts based on Black Lives Matter, a radical, Marxist organization. Does that alarm you?

Campus Reform reports:

U Pitt’s mandatory anti-racism class is filled with critical race theory, BLM talking pointsThe University of Pittsburgh’s mandatory anti-black racism course, “Anti-Black Racism: History, Ideology, and Resistance” is now required for all freshmen, and the course content is filled with Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter talking points.According to the course overview released by the university, the class introduces students to the “established tradition of scholarship focused on the Black experience and Black cultural expression,” as well as to “examine the development, spread, and articulations of anti-Black racism in the United States and around the world.”The university released the course content, even as President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning Critical Race Theory training, calling it “un-American propaganda.” Multiple schools have signaled they will effectively ignore the president’s order, even though they risk losing federal funding. Others, meanwhile, have temporarily paused such trainings to determine whether they violate the executive order.The University of Pittsburgh, however, appears to be going full-steam ahead with its required critical race theory course, even as it receives more than $617 million in federal research dollars per year, according to a Campus Reform analysis published in 2019.The first week of the course grounds students in “critical theories on race and anti-blackness in everyday life.” The objective of the first module is to teach “a sociological and cultural understanding of the meaning of race, ethnicity and anti-blackness,” equipping students to understand race as a “social fact.”

Tags: Black Lives Matter, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Pennsylvania