England Drops ‘Unconscious Bias Training’ for Civil Servants – ‘No Evidence’ It Works

The same social justice nonsense we deal with in the United States has been embraced by many other countries as well. While many American institutions are engaged in a struggle over ‘critical race theory’ training, England has decided to drop ‘unconscious bias training’ for civil servants.

After trying it, people are realizing that it doesn’t really change anything.

Sean Coughlan reports at BBC News:

‘Unconscious bias training’ to be scrapped by ministers“Unconscious bias training” is being scrapped for civil servants in England, with ministers saying it does not work.The training, intended to tackle patterns of discrimination and prejudice, is used in many workplaces.The government says there is no evidence it changes attitudes – and is urging other public sector employers to end this type of training.But race equality campaigner Halima Begum said the government “mustn’t backtrack on anti-racism training”…The government says it is “determined to eliminate discrimination in the workplace”, but unconscious bias training is the wrong approach.The Government Equalities Office says there has been “no evidence” that the training improved workplace equality.Among the researchers cited is psychologist Patrick Forscher, who examined more than 400 studies on unconscious bias.He said that few studies measured changes over time, and among “the most robust of those that did”, the findings suggested “changes in implicit bias don’t last”.

The Daily Mail has a great quote from a conservative MP:

Mansfield Conservative MP Ben Bradley, who refused to undergo unconscious bias training in Parliament, last night said the move was overdue.He stressed: ‘This unproven training does not work and I welcome the fact that we are no longer going to be wasting taxpayers’ money on it.’The whole thing is based on the premise that everyone is unconsciously racist – I just don’t believe that is true and neither do the public.’People are fed up with being preached at by a metropolitan elite pushing a divisive agenda that doesn’t even work.’

At the end of the day, required unconscious bias training, whether it’s in the halls of British government or on the college campuses of the United States, is about the same thing.

The left has a never-ending need to prove their own moral superiority by labeling everyone but themselves as flawed, bigoted, and racist.

It’s a political power play, plain and simple.

Racism and prejudices exist, but nowhere near the same level as even recent years. Most people find being accused of racism one of the worst insults. There’s a reason for that. Most people are not racists.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Critical Race Theory, England, Progressives, Social Justice