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CNN Op-Ed: Joe Biden Should Give One Million College Students Paid Government Internships

CNN Op-Ed: Joe Biden Should Give One Million College Students Paid Government Internships

“We need talented young folks in government, not only to replace those coming to the end of their careers of service, but also to bring new skills”

Free college isn’t enough. Now the government should be paying all college students.

Eric Braverman and Max Stier write at CNN:

To recharge the country, Biden should give 1 million college students paid government internships

There are 16 million college students in America. These young people hold the promise of being our next generation of innovators and leaders. But once they graduate, they face student debt repayments and a labor market that has been ravaged by the pandemic.

We can make sure the talent does not go to waste. In the first 100 days of the Biden administration, we can help them and the country out by reimagining national service for the Zoom era.

Over the next four years, our country can give 1 million college students a paid internship in federal, state or municipal government, plus a chance to compete for a college scholarship in exchange for their service.

Pew polling shows trust in government at near-record lows, and interest in public service is also eroding. America’s poor response to the pandemic and concerns about the abuse of executive power have driven many young prospects away. Not to mention a walk around any college career fair lays bare how unwelcoming government service seems to be compared to an apparently endless set of shiny opportunities in the private sector.

Analysis of government data shows that just 6.7% of federal employees are under the age of 30 — compared with 20.6% of those in the employed labor force. That’s even more problematic when you consider that about one-third of federal workers will be eligible to retire in the next five years.

We need talented young folks in government, not only to replace those coming to the end of their careers of service, but also to bring new skills that will help the country confront a wide array of public challenges and opportunities. And this next generation has a unique opportunity to make a difference for our country and the world by becoming public servants.


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 30, 2020 at 1:10 pm


ll Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ From Chinese Communist Propaganda Front

“We need to fill the government at every level with one million + loyal foot soldiers.”

Oh hell no. There are enough useless eaters in the government as it is; we sure as hell don’t need any more.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 30, 2020 at 9:40 pm

Un-news CNN ( certainly never news )

Wants them to be un-educated just like DEM.

Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson Posts Calling for Mitch McConnell to Be Beaten Up Like Rand Paul

Gateway Pundit

    If this is what a teacher of the year is saying, then maybe virtual learning is the correct way to go where at least some parents can monitor what is being forced on our kids! What Rodney is “teaching” is how useless some teachers truly are!

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to 20keto20. | December 31, 2020 at 2:00 pm

      RUT HO.

      There’s is more today from that teacher.

      Days After Presidential Election,

      Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson

      Warned Parents of Black and Brown Students

      About White Women Teachers

      Gateway Pundit

So nice of CNN to use their money to fund Basement Beijing Biden’s interns! They really know how to spend other people’s money in true Socialist fashion!! Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is!

This is what we have a draft for, isn’t it?