Chicago Teachers Union Claims Motivation ‘to Reopening School is Rooted in Sexism, Racism and Misogyny’

The Chicago Teachers Union proved to people once again that they do not care about kids.

They only care about “social justice.”

Bull. Crap.

The cowards ended up deleting the tweet because many people called out their stupidity.

The push to reopen schools has nothing to do with sexism, racism, or misogyny. It has everything to do with losing a generation of students.

Parents are not lazy. I think a lot of parents would succeed if they spent every day in the classroom with their children. The fact is that parents do not have the resources and teachers cannot bend and mold a lesson to fit a student’s needs.

Some students learn by touching. Others learn by visuals. Some learn by trial and error. It’s harder to do that since you cannot stand by a student and help them through a lesson in the way that’s easiest for them to learn.

The Chicago Teachers Union forgot about the social aspect of school for kids. That is the most important part for kids in preschool, pre-K, and kindergarten. But even in older grades, the kids miss their friends. They need that interaction.

I mentioned in another post an article in The New York Post that made me cry. Parents of children with disabilities lamented the hardship of no school for their kids.

It is literally ruining their children who need different teachers to help with occupational, speech, and physical therapies:

“For us it’s not inconvenient, it’s devastating,” said Julia DeBlasio Olsheski, a data analyst who has a 7-year-old third grader in a specialized autism program run by the Department of Education.“I’ve had to hold him like I am a human straitjacket just to keep him in front of the computer,” said Olsheski, who estimates her son has only received 18 of the normally 60 sessions of occupational, speech and physical therapies he usually receives by this time in the school year.—Olsheski said her 7-year-old son has broken a number of devices and has even started hurting himself.“He has started behaviors we have never seen before,” Olsheski said. “He is losing essential life skills that took seven years to gain and they are gone.”

I doubt your humanity if that article does not make you sad.

Experts stated in August that school closures “will also worsen racial and economic equalities.” From CNBC (emphasis mine):

For disadvantaged students, the stakes are even higher: Thirty percent of all K-12 public school students, about 15 million to 16 million children, live in homes that don’t have an internet connection or an adequate device for distant learning at home, a study by Common Sense Media and the Boston Consulting Group found.That lack of access, coupled with inadequate help at home and a quiet place to learn, means lower-income, Black and Hispanic children may struggle, a June report from McKinsey & Company found.The average learning loss for students is seven months if in-school instruction doesn’t resume until January 2021, the report said. However, Black students may fall behind by 10.3 months, Hispanic students by 9.2 months, and low-income students by more than a year. School closures will also probably increase high-school drop-out rates, according to McKinsey.“We estimate that this would exacerbate existing achievement gaps by 15% to 20%,” the McKinsey report stated.

How about the loss of lifetime earnings:

Breaking it down by race, McKinsey estimated White students would earn $1,348 a year less (a 1.6% reduction) over a 40-year working life, Black students would bring in $2,186 a year less (a 3.3% reduction) and Hispanic students would earn $1,809 less (3%).

In March, (yes March!) UNESCO said that closing schools would harm girls more than boys.

Over 800,000 women have left the workforce since the lockdowns started in March to take care of children, whether young or school age.

I have a brilliant idea. End the unions. They have too much power and we know they do not care about the children or education.

Tags: Chicago, Education, Illinois, Wuhan Coronavirus