Carnegie Mellon Students Demand Removal of Former Trump Official Richard Grenell
“Mr. Grenell has damaged, and continues to damage, our reputation, our code of ethics, our community, and critical democratic institutions.”

One of the reasons given for this stupidity is ‘anti-Chinese’ rhetoric, if you can believe it.
This just goes to show that LGBT is not a protected class. Democrats are a protected class.
The College Fix reports:
Student activists work to get former Trump official booted from Carnegie Mellon University
Student activists at Carnegie Mellon University want the university to hold former Trump administration official Richard Grenell accountable for his tweets.
Signers of a letter sent to the administration include Women in Politics, the Muslim Student Association and CMU Men’s Club Lacrosse. In total, about 30 groups signed the letter.
Grenell, a former U.S ambassador to Germany and director of national intelligence, started working at the private university in Pittsburgh in June as a fellow at its Institute for Politics and Strategy, though he is not on campus.
Among other accusations, students argue Grenell tweeted anti-Chinese rhetoric and bemoaned his criticism of masks. At its conclusion, it calls for him to be removed from campus.
“Mr. Grenell has damaged, and continues to damage, our reputation, our code of ethics, our community, and critical democratic institutions. We, the students of Carnegie Mellon University, condemn Mr. Grenell’s actions. His continued presence in our community is unacceptable,” the letter states.
Among its signers is a club sports team.
“As with any club—especially sports—we want to get back to normal as quickly as possible so we can actually participate in our activities,” Kyle Bannerman, a leader in the club lacrosse team, said via email to The College Fix on Wednesday. “Misinformation and anti-maskers directly oppose this goal.”

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Sounds like a bunch of homophobes to me.
And they are Racist too.
In fact feelings are racist.
Hope everyone knows it is the Communist Chinese that are behind all this.
“He hurt my feewings!”
I’m very tired of these kinds of headlines. How many of these students actually made these silly demands? The articles rarely say. When it does, the numbers are tiny.
But each and every time one of these headlines runs, some other batch of self-important malcontents is encouraged to make yet crazier and more emphatic demands.
When is someone going to demand that all the demanders be given extra homework, while otherwise being ignored?
The sports club kid wants things “to get back to normal as quickly as possible,” and he thinks “anti-maskers” hinder that goal.
Think about that – he’s bought into the lie (if not consciously pushing it) that masks are “normal,” that masks are now “necessary” for civilized society.
These people are dangerous, precisely because everyone who merely disagrees with them are enemies of society and on “the wrong side of history.”
Dear students:
Dean T F Grizzly
This article highlights a superficial movement by a number of small superficial groups of ill-educated students. However, within the greater scope of the issue is the fact that, among other areas of influence, Conservatives had, in the past, ceded the area of education as an important and satisfying career. We now have MARXISTS dominating the field. Those MARXISTS not only have utilized their positions to preach their political (and other) views, to the exclusion of different views. They have also infiltrated the administration component of “higher education” and have built in BIAS against those, who hold opposing beliefs. If something is not done to counter the philosophical monopoly that they have created, it will be nearly impossible to restore higher education into an arena, in which the entire spectrum of human knowledge may be freely discussed.