BLM Co-Founder Who Advocates Defunding Police Speaks at Stanford

The event was sponsored by more than half a dozen groups at Stanford. Not a single protest. Try to invite a member of the Trump administration to speak and watch what happens.

Campus Reform reports:

Stanford hosts BLM co-founder, who advocates defunding policeOpal Tometi, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter organization, spoke at Stanford University during a virtual event in which she discussed “fighting systemic racism.”The event was presented as a dinner with Tometi and sponsored by Stanford in Government, the Stanford Speakers Bureau, Black Community Center, Women’s Community Center, Nigerian Students’ Association, Black Student Union, Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Senior Class Presidents, Junior Class Presidents, the Stanford Solidarity Fund, and the Center for Ethics in Society.According to the Stanford Daily, Tometi spoke on tax-dollars from police and reinvesting those dollars into social programs directed toward communal efforts.Tometi suggested defunding the police and using the money for something “that actually keep us safe and keep us healthy, because we know that the safest communities are the communities that have the most resources. Our communities don’t end up being the safest because we don’t have the resources because they were divested from us.”As a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Tometi called the BLM organization a part of “a long history of freedom struggle.”Tometi later called to change institutions “across the board,” from health care to the criminal justice system so that Black Americans have “a dignified existence in whatever institution that they find themselves in.” In order for these goals to be attained, she said that people must become “unwavering and unapologetic” in what they seek.Tometi said when police carry lethal weapons, it creates “the type of disparate, violence against Black people at the hands of the police, people who are supposedly supposed to protect and serve.”

Tags: Black Lives Matter, California, College Insurrection