So apparently Joe Biden has not been around these past nine months because he thinks masks will magically work during the first 100 days of his administration.
My first 100 days is going to require, I’m going to ask for a masking plan.Everyone, for the first 100 days of my administration, to wear a mask. It will start with my signing an order on day one to require masks, where I can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel, trains, and buses.I’ll be working with governors and mayors to do the same in their states and their cities. We’re going to require masks wherever possible, but this goes beyond government action. And so, as a new president, I’m going to speak directly to the American people, and say what I’m saying now: we need your help. Wear a mask for just 100 days. It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death.Help yourself, your family, and your community. Whatever your politics or point of view – mask up for 100 days once we take office. One hundred days to make a difference. It’s not a political statement – it’s a patriotic act. It won’t be the end of our efforts, but it’s a necessary and easy beginning, an easy start.
We have been wearing masks for 75% of 2020. Everywhere I go everyone is wearing a mask. Could it be possible that other behaviors have contributed to the outbreaks? You know, maybe, hygiene? I do not wear jewelry because I am obsessed with washing my hands.
Plus, masks are already required in the places he mentions.
I doubt he will get very far with this EO. There are only so many places he can mandate it without being a total dictator.
But politicians gonna be politicians. It’s all theater to give the illusion he is *doing something.*