Wayne County GOP Rescind Votes Certifying Results, Claims Democrats Bullied Them To Vote Yes

Michigan’s Wayne County Board of Canvassers Republican members Monica Palmer and William C. Hartmann signed affidavits to rescind their votes to certify results.

They claimed the Democrats bullied them into voting yes.

Palmer and Hartmann have to know that Wayne County is a Democrat Party county.

Trump won Michigan in 2016, but Hillary Clinton demolished him in Wayne County. She got 66% of the votes while Trump took in 30%.

No matter what the outcome will not change, but that does not mean Palmer and Hartmann should just accept the irregularities in the votes.

From The Detroit News:

Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that “intense bullying and coercion” plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no.Canvassers Monica Palmer and William Hartmann have claimed the promises made to them of a “comprehensive audit” of the Nov. 3 election should they certify “will not be fulfilled.””I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections,” Palmer said in an affidavit signed Wednesday night. “I fully believe the Wayne County vote should not be certified.”

The counties have 14 days after the election to certify the votes.

Palmer and Hartmann do not think the votes should be certified “until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.” From Just the News:

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”Both GOP board members said their concerns included discrepancies in nearly three quarters of Detroit’s precinct poll books where ballots are supposed to be matched to qualified voters.”The Wayne County election had serious process flaws which deserve investigation. I continue to ask for information to assure Wayne County voters that these elections were conducted fairly and accurately. Despite repeated requests I have not received the requisite information and believe an additional 10 days of canvas by the State Board of canvassers will help provide the information necessary,” Palmer explained.

Palmer said that people accused her of racism and threatened her family:

“After the vote, my Democratic colleagues chided me and Mr. Hartmann for voting not to certify,” she said, according to the affidavit obtained by Fox News. “After the vote, the public comment period began and dozens of people made personal remarks against me and Mr. Hartmann. The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. The public comment continued for over two hours and I felt pressured to continue the meeting without a break.”

Palmer and Hartmann are not making up the accusations and threats. Reports and video from a Zoom call showed everyone the abuse thrown at the two of them:

“Your children will be disgusted, and I am sad that you have influence over them,” said Pastor Edward Pruitt.”Monica, your daughter is gonna look at you in disgust because she’s going to know,” said Trische Duckworth. “And this is going to affect her because people will ask her, ‘Is your mother a racist?'””I’m sorry for your descendants, who will be so ashamed of you,” said poll worker Liza Bielby.—“You’re up there with George Wallace and Bull Connor and all those people. And your QAnon crap, that’s all gonna come out,” said Kim Hunter. “Get ready for the racism that you unleash.”“I hope that your name lives in infamy of being — disenfranchising voters, and racist, and continuing Jim Crow laws, and the attitude of Jim Crow into 2020,” said Detroit Charter Revision Commissioner Denzel McCampbell.

Palmer said only canvassing results influenced her decision to vote no since it showed her they “lacked complete and accurate documentation.” Wayne County had the same problems earlier with the primary. Palmer said that officials did not do enough between the August primary and presidential election to fix the problem.

It is not uncommon for a county to have out-of-balance poll books. But look at these numbers (emphasis mine):

But Detroit has had a higher instance of it occurring in part because of the large volumes of ballots it processes.In August, 72% of Detroit’s poll books were found to be out of balance, a condition that precluded many of the precincts from being used if a recount were requested. The issues prompted the state to send in additional help ahead of the general election, including veteran state elections official Chris Thomas.Detroit had problems with precinct count mismatches in the November 2016 election. Election officials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 59% of precincts in the city during a countywide canvass of vote results with most of the issues involving too many votes.In both cases, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers still voted to certify the election results despite those unbalanced books.

Get your act together. I thought Chicago was bad.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Michigan