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U. Missouri Going Fully Online After Thanksgiving Due to Rise in COVID Cases

U. Missouri Going Fully Online After Thanksgiving Due to Rise in COVID Cases

“We believe these actions will support our community”

They hope to return to in-person classes in the spring. What an awful time to be in college.

The Kansas City Star reports:

University of Missouri shifts to all online classes, tells students to stay home

With coronavirus cases spiking, the University of Missouri will no longer hold class on campus after the Thanksgiving break, and will shift to remote instruction and finals.

Students are asked to go home for the holiday break and not return to campus until January.

“We believe these actions will support our community, and will provide the best path forward for our university’s return to in-person learning in the spring semester,” Mun Choi, MU chancellor and president of the University of Missouri’s four-campus system, said Thursday in a letter to the campus community.

At the start of the school year, officials had thought they might go online only after Thanksgiving. But then last month, they said they were pleased with how the Columbia campus was managing the coronavirus and would continue with a mix of in-person and online classes.

The rise in cases changed their minds again.

The university has had 2,153 cases since Aug. 19, and as of Wednesday had 165 active cases. On Monday MU was reporting 11 new cases, and that number more than quadrupled to 47 Wednesday.

“We have said from the beginning that our decisions would follow medical and public health guidance, and they would be based on a full evaluation of circumstances and not driven by a single number,” Choi said.


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More virtue signaling over meaningless “cases” rather than deaths, which is what really matters. Moreover college students are almost as close to zero risk from covid-19 as it gets, so why the panic?

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | November 14, 2020 at 10:10 pm

Hope those college students sue for big refunds plus sue for punitive damages!