U. Dallas Resists Pressure to Punish Students for ‘Trump Wall’ Halloween Costume

Of all the things the left has ruined, Halloween is the one that hurts the most.

The College Fix reports:

University resists pressure to punish students for ‘Trump’s Wall’ Halloween costumeUniversity of Dallas administrators appear to be more tolerant than their own students.The Catholic institution rejected calls to punish students for a group Halloween costume that portrayed “Trump’s Wall” – complete with a student wearing a fake mustache and name tag reading “José.”Students were already throwing Halloween parties two weeks ahead of the holiday when this “small party off-campus” happened, a student who was a part of the costume told The College Fix. The costume “was well-received.”The four students who constituted “Trump’s Wall” included three students who wore pieces of cardboard plus José, who stood behind them for the duration of the party. (The student who portrayed José told The Fix he’s a quarter Italian, “a little Spanish (Spain), and the rest Native American.”According to the costumed students, administrators called them in not for offending their peers but for underage possession of alcohol and violation of the university’s COVID-19 policy. They received misconduct write-ups, which consist of simply a warning in their record but no discipline.Students agree to follow the COVID-19 rules when signing the mandatory “Groundhog Pledge.” It directs them to “mitigate risks while [they] are off-campus by maintaining social distancing” and “wearing a mask when in close proximity to others.”The “Trump’s Wall” students asked for their names to be kept private, due to the aggressive backlash from students on campus. Some other students who spoke to The Fix also asked not to be named.

Tags: College Insurrection, Halloween, Texas, Trump Derangement Syndrome