Prof Predicts Trump Will ‘Sabotage’ the Economy if He Loses to Joe Biden

He also predicts Trump supporters will become violent. These people are really blind to the behavior of their own side. It’s amazing.

Campus Reform reports:

Prof predicts Trump will ‘sabotage’ economy before January if he loses to BidenProfessor of International Relations and Political Science at City College of New York Rajan Menon wrote in an opinion piece that supporters of President Donald Trump will become violent if he loses the election.Menon also claimed that Trump will use the remaining time of his presidency to sabotage the economy for Joe Biden.In the piece published by Business Insider on October 28, Menon discussed “a few of the commonplace dystopian possibilities for November.” He predicted that Trump will receive a majority of the votes cast on Election Day but will ultimately lose the election once all of the mail-in and absentee ballots are accounted for. Thus, he predicted that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will the presidency.“Trump gets the majority of the votes cast in person on November 3. A Pew Research Center survey found that 60% of those supporting the president intend to vote that way on Election Day compared to 23% of Biden supporters; and a Washing Post-University of Maryland poll likewise revealed a sizable difference between Republicans and Democrats, though not as large.”“He does, however, lose handily after all mail-in and absentee ballots are counted. Once every ballot is finally tabulated, Biden prevails in the popular vote and ekes out a win in the Electoral College.”Menon explained that Trump will then convince his supporters that the election was stolen from them, and “Trumpsters” will take to the streets causing chaos and violence: “The president, however, having convinced his faithful that voting by mail will result in industrial-scale fraud (unless he wins, of course), proclaims that he – and ‘the American people’ – have been robbed by the establishment. On cue, outraged Trumpsters, some of them armed, take to the streets. Chaos, even violence ensues.”

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, College Insurrection, Trump Derangement Syndrome