Megyn Kelly Pulls Her Kids Out of NYC Schools Over Left-Wing Political Indoctrination

Former FOX News host Megyn Kelly recently revealed on her podcast that she has pulled two of her children out of their private New York City school over what she sees as political propaganda. She even says she is leaving the city.

The document she describes, and claims was circulated to parents and school staff, is the same sort of social justice rhetoric we regularly document in higher education.

Michael W. Chapman writes at CNS News:

Megyn Kelly Pulls Kids From NYC School, Says Radical Left Racial Ideas Being PromotedFormer NBC and FNC lead correspondent Megyn Kelly, who now hosts the Megyn Kelly Show podcast, said she pulled her two sons from their school in New York City because the school leaders are promoting radical racial ideas that apparently posit that white children are racist and need to be “reformed.””It’s so out of control on so many levels, and after years of resisting it, we’re going to leave the city,” Kelly said on her Nov. 16 podcast. “We pulled our boys from their school, and our daughter is going to be leaving hers soon, too. The schools have always been far left, which doesn’t align with my own ideology, but I didn’t really care. Most of my friends are liberals; it’s fine. I come from Democrats as a family.”Kelly then explained that administrators at her sons’ school — which she did not name — were promoting an article to the faculty by Nahliah Webber, executive director of the Orleans Public Education Network. In the article, Webber promotes myriad racist ideas about “white children” who grow up to snuff out “Black life.”…She continued, “White children are left unchecked and unbothered in their schools, homes and communities to join, advance and protect systems that take away Black life. … I’m tired of White people reveling in their state-sanctioned depravity, snuffing out Black life with no consequences….”

Listen to the audio below:

Megyn has been more vocal than usual lately, and she is sounding a bit more conservative these days.

The left is determined to embed their agenda in every area of our lives. In the places where people still have choices, they will do what Megyn Kelly has done. Unfortunately, it won’t be as easy for everyone.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Education, Megyn Kelly, New York City, Progressives