Lindsey Graham: ‘Trump has Not Lost. Do not Concede, Mr. President. Fight Hard.’
“If Republicans don’t challenge and change the U.S. election system, there’ll never be another Republican president elected again.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) did not hold back during Sunday Morning Features on Fox News.
Graham encouraged President Donald Trump to fight against alleged voter fraud. He thinks that if the GOP does not fight then America will not have a Republican president for a long time:
“If Republicans don’t challenge and change the U.S. election system, there’ll never be another Republican president elected again,” Graham warned. “President Trump should not concede, we’re down to 10,000 votes in Georgia, he’s going to win North Carolina, we’ve gone from 93,000 votes to 20,000 votes in Arizona, where there are more votes to be counted. There are allegations of system failure, fraud.”
Graham also said that the election computer system in Michigan is suspicious, and told Republican Senate candidate John James not to concede. Like President Trump, James looked to be in a position to win on election night, only to have absentee ballots put his Democratic opponent ahead the following night.
Graham delved into some of the allegations that have come up since election night. He said that Trump’s team canvassed early voters in Pennsylvania and found more than 100 people they believe were dead, with at least 15 Graham said who were confirmed dead. He also said Trump’s camp found six instances in Pennsylvania where people were registered to vote after they died, and then votes were cast in their names.
“So to my Republican colleagues out there: We have to fight back or we will accept our fate. I want Pennsylvania to explain to the American people how six people after they die can register to vote in Pennsylvania. I want the computer system in Michigan that flipped votes from Republicans to Democrats to be looked at.”
Graham went on to say that “there’s a lot of shenanigans going on,” and that President Trump should indeed fight in court.
Graham concluded: “Trump has not lost. Do not concede, Mr. President. Fight hard.”

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Every minute it looks more and more like TURmp has GA, AZ, and possibly PA. Wi and MI are contested. This is far from over.
Pull quotes,
The Democrats way overplayed their fraud hand. Scores of bloggers are publishing lists of the Dead Vote. Statistical algorithms used to identify voter fraud in third world countries, applied to this vote, show massive fraud.
It is only going to get uglier every day as more people come forward with fraud testimony, photos of trucks delivering ballots, and records of software that stops in the middle of the night.
State legislatures in six or seven or more states, run by Republicans, have a choice: certify an election that was clearly fraudulent, certify a different slate of electors who will vote against the popular, but fraudulent vote, or just fail to certify.
My [the author’s] bet is several may choose option 3. If even one state or two fail to certify, the election goes to Congress.
[end quotes]
And in Congress, each state gets one vote. See section 1, Article II.
At least in most states, if not all of them, the legislature does not certify the electors. Someone such as the secretary of state does (in PA it’s the secretary of the commonwealth). So the legislature would not have that choice before it. It would have to actively intervene to change things, and if it did that there would be no guarantee that the electors it sent would be counted at all.
SCOTUS Judge Aleto recently clarified that ONLY legislature have the SOLE power to choose electors to vote in Electoral College (the only way a president is really selected). NOBODY TRUMPS THE SUPREME COURT!
The fraudulant election CAN be overcome IF most Trump voters insist that thier state legislators select pro Trump electors AND MOST TRUMP VOTERS KNOW ABOUT THIS REMEDY!!!
Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
“If Republicans don’t challenge and change the U.S. election system, there’ll never be another Republican president elected again,”
100% right because the Democrats will continue to cheat as they think they can get away with it.
I just wish there was more elected officials joining Graham in publicly stating this.
They DO get away with it. Kennedy in 1960. The congressional seats in Orange County CA. Senator in Washington several cycles back.
The Republicans lack the willingness to do anything about it, and always will. The country needs a new, strong, tough-as-nails party that won’t take any guff from anyone. The GOP is useless.
“Think they can get away with it” without going to jail for 10-15 years. There are degrees of “getting away with it”.
We do need a new party. Let’s call it the Trump Party. TP for short. We can clean up with TP. Then rub the oppositions’ nose in it. 😉
It’s not clear what really happened in 1960. Nixon didn’t challenge, he said because unity blah blah blah, but the real reason was probably that there was just as much R cheating in downstate IL as D cheating upstate, and a challenge would bring that out. (There was also notorious D cheating in TX.)
That was the governorship that was stolen by the King County Rats in 2004. Soon after the state moved to all mail in votes and the GOP has not had a decent presence in WA since then. Our two senators are utterly worthless. One, Patty Murray, is truly the 100th smartest US Senator.
I want prosecutions. Start sending the fraudsters to prison.
We all want prosecutions. We wanted them 2 and 4 years ago, too. We wanted to see Hillary investigated and appropriately dealt with. We were disappointed across the board. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
To prosecute you’d have to find out who did it, and I don’t see how you can really do that without getting very lucky (e.g. a fingerprint match to someone who would have had no innocent occasion ever to handling the ballot).
Don’t just tell PDT to fight, get your colleagues together and fight with him.
What exactly can he and his colleagues do?
Stand UP, speak OUT – assertively! Counter the national narrative the TV “news” people are trying to sell.
This is NOT over before some solid evidence of possible material FRAUD is actually examined.
Demonstrate some solidarity with this President! Grow some spines, you cowering #GOPDorks out there!
Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
Graham is right, but the GOPe thinks this is the way to get rid of the hated Trump and his voters forever. The GOPe is convinced that the Communists will screw up enough that the voters will throw them out and restore the lefty Republican squishes that used to run the party before Trump initiated a hostile takeover.
The GOPe is way too arrogant to know it, but the gargantuan voting fraud in 2018 and 2020 fundamentally changed the United States. The Bushes and Romneycares of the party are in for a rude shock in 2022 and beyond when the now-corporatist GOP gets gets pulverized by a combination of voting fraud and their base abandoning them in huge numbers.
They should be pushing James even harder. Say that in michigan they not only cheated Trump but James a black man over white man.
They play the race card so can we.
Changes in voting laws needed? Perhaps. I think also though there needs to be some serious teeth put into punishing those who commit willful and flagrant violations of already existing voting laws, such as with the case of the poll watchers in Pennsylvania. Mandatory prison time too for those caught and convicted, not just fines.
That punishment MUST go all the way to the top…starting with Trump getting his second term.
The reality is that without that second term nothing will change and Democtats will just weedle their way even deeper in to power.
Well it’s Monday and I thought the shit was going to hit the preverbal fan today?
It did. They filed lawsuits in several states.
If they don’t fight back against this blatant fraud, not only will there not be a Republican president for years to come, it will mark the death of free and fair elections, period. EVERY election will be tainted, because we will have absolutely no assurance that they didn’t pull shenanigans to get the election outcome they wanted. Anybody, regardless of political persuasion, ought to be deeply troubled over this spectre hanging over our heads. This goes far beyond “our guy” vs “their guy” – we will be just a banana republic.
The world is watching and waiting, and if we fail to safeguard the integrity of this and all future elections, we will truly be the laughingstock of the world. We will have no moral authority to criticize the implementation of democracy in other countries when our own house is in shambles. We used to laugh at “elections” in communist countries where there was just one name on the ballot. If they can blatantly, in-your-face rig our election, we will be no better than those fake elections.
Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
The time to have begun fighting, Sen. Graham, was in January 2017. Waiting to cry “fight” until the enemy had Trump on his back, is chicken-hearted.
Here’s hoping President Trump goes all Gulliver on the Lilliputian Dems.
If with this vote we can’t get the fraud out in the open and cleaned up we will never have the chance again and every election from here on out will be rigged as they know they can get away with it.
One gets the feeling that the media is hedging their bets on a Biden administration coming through and as back up if that doesn’t happen they will then use the next 4 years to spin a tale of Trumps second term being illegitimate because he stole it from Biden.
If Trump can’t win in court (though I hope he does) then this is sound advice:
In short, make things as difficult for the incoming Biden admin as possible.
Rudy was on Newsmax a couple of hours ago and it sure looks to me like he has a rock solid case now in PA and working on the other states.
I voted on those Dominion machines so I may have actually voted for Biden. How does such a machine pass muster? It’s like National Cash Register peddling machines that cannot be audited. No audit trail. That is the main point for having cash registers!
As an RIA, the compliance oversight is tight as a drum. Everything I do has to be recorded and substantiated with receipts, phone records, financial statements reconciled to my bank accounts, and more. But our voting systems don’t have to be auditable? Judges order are optional?
Just imagine what it will be like to be a Democrat politician after Trump is declared the winner. They are already self-destructing over the disastrous House elections and now Trump will be an unstoppable monster! Bring on the riots!
Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)
I doubt Graham will push for real election reform
1) Mandatory videotape of all election activity. The entire floor of voting counting shall be videotaped at all times, close enough to see in detail what every election worker is doing. No keeping the cameras 100 feet away so you can’t see anything.
2) Mandatory 24-hour videotaping of the entire exterior of any election facility.
3) I’m not sure what to do about election overseers getting kicked out. Nullifying all votes counted afterwards seemed like a good remedy until I realized that you could use the remedy to effectively eliminate votes from Republican districts.
4) Counting by unvetted personnel (as was done in MI and WI in the middle of the night) nullifies votes. On the other hand, that has the same problem #3 does.