Arizona State U. Course Teaches Students to do ‘the Inner Work of Anti-Racism’

This is part of a new narrative on the left. It’s not enough to not be racist, you must be actively anti-racist.

Campus Reform reports:

ASU course teaches students to do ‘the inner work of anti-racism’An Arizona State University communications class offered students an assignment to do “the inner work of anti-racism” by studying “anti-racism” lectures and podcasts, according to a relative of the student.One assignment reads “For the next 7 days, you need to commit do [sic] at least one practice or idea around doing the inner work of anti-racism,” according to screenshots provided to Campus Reform.The aunt of one student in the class posted to social media about the assignments, saying, “My niece sent me this assignment that she is required to do at @ASU. She must explain how she is doing the ‘anti-racist’ work because it’s presumed she’s racist.”“How is this allowed in a communication class?” she added. “This has gone too far. This isn’t teaching. It’s political propaganda.”

Tags: Arizona, College Insurrection