Whitmer Claims Trump ‘Complicit’ in Kidnapping Plot, But Suspect Also Called Him a Tyrant

I am glad the FBI foiled the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. I am glad she is safe and sound.

It disappointed me, but did not surprise me, that Whitmer claimed President Donald Trump is “complicit” in the plot.

However, a video of one of the accused shows him blasting Trump as a tyrant.

Everything is Trump’s Fault!

Whitmer blamed Trump:

“Our head of state has spent the past seven months stoking distrust, fomenting anger, and giving comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division,” said the Democratic governor. “Just last week, the president of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups. Stand back and stand by, he told them.”—“Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry,” she said. “When our leaders speak, their words matter.”

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel blamed Trump and the protests surrounding Whitmer’s strict COBID-19 restrictions:

And we’ve heard the FBI director say in the past that white supremacy groups, militia groups, domestic terrorism posed one of the biggest threats that we have to the United States today. And I concur with that. I think he’s right.But these are groups in multiple states, multiple jurisdictions that have been operating and really taking advantage of the unrest in American society right now. I think they’re taking advantage of the COVID epidemic, the Black Lives Matter unrest, and they’re using it to recruit and to formulate plots. And we saw that, you know, in real time here in Michigan involving not just the plot to kidnap the governor, but the plot to overtake the Michigan Capitol and potentially kill a number of public officials there and even threats and efforts to execute those involved in law enforcement – so a number of different plots.—But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another. And, you know, ultimately, their mission is what they call the boogaloo. Right? It’s an uprising or a civil war. And these are a number of groups that are acting in concert based on, you know, a shared extreme ideology. And, you know, this effort to have a mass uprising nationally. And, you know, it’s something that we should be very concerned about because, again, it’s not just a Michigan problem. This is now an American problem.—Well, I think that when there’s a review of the individuals that were there at that protest, you will see that many of these individuals that were charged were at that protest. I think that those protests – those protests were used actually as recruiting stations to add more members and to find people that were angry with the governor, angry with the government and, frankly, I think encouraged by the words of our president.

The mainstream media immediately sided with Whitmer, pointing to Trump’s tweets. “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”

They never ever want to place blame on the people directly responsible. It’s always Trump’s fault. It’s always the Republicans or Libertarians.

I hate sounding paranoid, but there’s too much evidence over the past four years.

But the Suspect Hates Trump

Reason’s Robby Soave spoke to a sociologist to argue Whitmer’s claims.

But suspect Brandon Caserta squashed Whitmer’s theory on his own when a video of him on social media showed he did not like Trump:

“Trump is not your friend, dude,” Caserta says, with an anarchist flag hanging behind him. “It amazes me that people actually, like, believe that when he’s shown over and over and over again that he’s a tyrant. Every single person that works for government is your enemy, dude.”He also ranted about “getting robbed by government thugs for some made-up traffic violation” after receiving a traffic ticket.

Tags: Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan, Trump Derangement Syndrome