Trump Thanks Supporters Outside Walter Reed With Surprise Motorcade Visit

President Trump appears to be doing very well at Walter Reed; indeed, his doctor said Sunday morning that he might leave the hospital as early as tomorrow and head to the White House to complete his treatment for COVID-19.

On Sunday, Trump posted a video on Twitter posting a personal update on his condition.  He shares  his gratitude to Walter Reed and to his medical team, and he also had a message for his supporters who have been outside Walter Reed since before he arrived to wish him well.

He said he will be making a “surprise visit” to thank them for their support.

A little while after this video tweet was published, the president greeted his supporters outside Walter Reed.

Not only is Trump keeping his campaign’s momentum going from the hospital, but the Trump campaign is rallying Trump supporters with ‘Operation MAGA.’

Fox News reports:

The Trump campaign is keeping at “full speed” as President Trump fights the novel coronavirus, with a new “Operation MAGA” that includes events featuring Vice President Pence and members of the Trump family in key battleground states across the country, Fox News has learned.

. . . . Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who also tested positive for coronavirus on Friday, is working remotely, but is not slowing down, according to a senior campaign official.

. . . . . “Operation MAGA will fire up the entire MAGA universe to keep President Trump’s campaign at full speed until our Commander-in-Chief returns to the campaign trail,” Stepien told Fox News. “Vice President Mike Pence, the First Family, our coalitions, and our grassroots supporters will be out in full force to show the real enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and to show we’re working as hard as he always does.”

“Operation MAGA” is set to begin with virtual events, featuring key Trump surrogates, leading up to the vice presidential debate between Pence and Biden running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., which is set to take place Wednesday, Oct. 7, in Salt Lake City, Utah.After the debate, “Operation MAGA” is set to shift back to in-person events, beginning with Pence’s travel to Arizona.

You can read additional details here.

Additionally, the campaign is being featured in the YouTube masthead for 24 hours beginning Saturday at midnight.  The message is intended to thank Americans for supporting the president as he battles the Wuhan coronavirus.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Trump Campaign, Trump's Health, Wuhan Coronavirus