Senate Democrats to Boycott Amy Coney Barrett Committee Vote, Fill Seats With Cardboard Cutouts
Cardboard cutouts of people who would be “hurt” if she rules against Obamacare

Senate Democrats plan to skip ACB’s committee vote and instead, fill their seats with cardboard cutouts of people who they claim would be hurt should Barrett eventually rule against Obamacare.
HuffPo has the story:
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee plan to boycott Thursday’s committee vote on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination as a protest against Republican efforts to rush her through before the election.
The plan hasn’t been finalized yet, according to a Democratic aide, but Democrats are preparing to fill their empty seats with poster-sized photos of people who would be hurt by Barrett potentially casting a deciding vote against the Affordable Care Act. These would be the same pictures of people Democrats had on display during Barrett’s confirmation hearing last week.
Democrats also intend to hold two press conferences to push back on Barrett’s confirmation ― one on the Capitol steps and one on the Supreme Court steps. They will go to one or both of these pressers during the committee vote, according to the Democratic aide.
“Throughout the hearings last week, committee Democrats demonstrated the damage a Justice Barrett would do – to health care, reproductive freedoms, the ability to vote, and other core rights that Americans cherish. We will not grant this process any further legitimacy by participating in a committee markup of this nomination just twelve days before the culmination of an election that is already underway,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and his caucus said in a statement Wednesday afternoon, after HuffPost’s story went up.
A boycott will delight progressives, who have been clamoring for a big fight by Democrats over Barrett’s confirmation. It won’t stop Republicans from advancing Barrett’s nomination, though.
Feinstein has come under particular criticism and scrutiny from her own party. She undercut Democrats’ message that the proceedings were a “sham” and “illegitimate” by praising both Barrett and committee chair Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
Democrat histrionics aside, Barrett’s approval ratings have crossed the 50% threshold, according to a new poll. Despite their handling of the nomination, voters like her. So I’m sure staging pitching another planned group fit is going to play real well with voters…
(These people get paid way too much of our money to behave this way.)

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When they tell you they don’t believe in the rule of law by their actions, then I hear their words as the equivalent of parents in a Charlie Brown show.
Those cutouts will be smarter than their owners.
Committee Dems may as well have been cardboard cutouts. And to think, they are an opponent we on the right find it hard to overcome. Dems I mean, not the cutouts.
And, I’m not so sure about the cutouts.
Almost verbatim Mrs. McG’s reaction when I told her about it.
Those cutouts are indicative of the Dems work ethic. Maybe the cutouts earn a more honest wage vs the Dems 🙂
Time for the House GOP to flick their Bic.
After confirming Justice Barrett, they can play pin the tail on the Donkey(s)… and for all a gay time.
I have no great problem with Democrats working so hard to make themselves seem totally irrelevant. Think of the optics on this—an entire party delegation can be replaced by cardboard cutouts. Nobody outside of Washington could find this image anything but cringeworthy.
Such utterly infantile antics, from the vile Dhimmi-crats. Par for the course.
And the difference is?
If Republicans do the right thing they would attach dialogue bubbles to the cutouts. Something along the lines of ” I’d have a voice but my Senator is a coward”.
What a great idea! I hope someone in Lindsey Graham’s office reads your post.
My analogy of a screaming baby pounding a spoon on its highchair tray applies here.
So then the average IQ on the committee will be significantly higher?
Deproductive shackles! Dems never have more than props; people of misery and people of color whom they despise. Despise because Dems never have policies that help people. Ever
Killing by abortion and making health care impossible to afford or find unless socialized.
In Miami. Cars were counted by helicopter. It took 3 hours just to get onto the route. 55,000 counted at the meeting point, another 20,000 joining the line. For you Biden voters, that’s 75,000 vehicles caravaning for Donald J Trump in MIAMI FLORIDA!! Red Wave
What about the folks in Rio Linda?
Isn’t that about what Rush drew for Dan’s Bake Sale?
Again, visions of the movie ‘Fargo’ spring to mind…the robber being stuffed down the throat of the wood-chipper… This is where the Dems belong, stuffed down the throat of that wood chipper. The iron in the blood with make the grass grow greener, and bring harmony to the community too!
What a bunch of sore-assed clowns. Boo hoo hoo.
Such serious, mature, responsible people.
If the Dems all stay away then there will be no quorum in the committee, but also nobody to make a quorum call, so the Reps can just vote anyway. If one Dem shows up, s/he can make a quorum call and prevent the vote, in which case the senate can decide to proceed without a committee reccomendation.
Hm… On June 25, 1798, the Senate adopted a rule specifying its manner and penalties for enforcing senators’ attendance. Any idea if this applies to committee hearings or just the Senate as a whole? It would tickle me four shades of pink to see some of these swaggering twits escorted back into the hearing chamber.
I’ve decided to forego the ball gags however.
The d are clowning themselves with these antics. Further it won’t work to prevent or even delay the committee vote. Lots of nifty, little known tools in the rules of the Senate. McConnell, whatever else he is or isn’t, is a very knowledgeable, shrewd and skilled manipulator of the Senate rules.
If only McConnell could be forced to focus his actions on other actions besides the Judiciary….
I have a question.
Since the Democrats are obviously not conducting themselves in good faith, why bother waiting until next week for the floor vote?
Why not just vote on Friday and be done with it? And get her on the court Monday morning?
They’ve already screwed around too long. That 4-4 vote on Pa. cheating could end up costing the election.
If I am correct, majority is 51, so only 26 is needed to confirm. Dem just made it easier to confirm her. If all the Republics show up, then 27 is needed to confirm. I say do a voice vote unanimous and then they can she she was unanimously confirmed. One of only a few SOC justices. Even RBG was not unanimous.
Only judges to be unanimously voted in the last 50 years
All gone now, Scalia and Kennedy relatively recently. That era has passed.
Quorum and majority aren’t always the same, but in this case they are, so yes — 51.
This news is about the committee vote. It seems the Dems have given up, which is just fine.
Then it’s voted on by the full Senate, where 50 votes (assuming all 100 senators vote) are needed because Pence can cast the tiebreaker.
A cardboard cutout instead of a D Senator would have much more backbone than the current crop of Democrats. More integrity also.
This has backfired in a manner that the Dems never saw. ACB now has the highest approval rating by the public of any judge ever having to be approved by the Senate. It is over 70%, including many Democrats.
I’d be very okay if Trump changed his mind about ACB.
Liked her in the beginning, but now wonder if she is a Lib mole who will vote like Roberts.
This is my gut speaking, in response to some of her answers, her “perfect family” story, and her cold and empty Roberts-like eyes.
Who was the Latina option again?
understand your sentiment–” if it seems too good to be true, there’s usually something else involved ”
but what are our alternatives?–hopefully, she is what she declares herself to be–by most objective accounts, she is
at this moment in history, she is our best option
Blaise – committee reports and certain motions often have to toll for day or two before they can proceed to action on the floor and final votes. Mcconnell is conducting business sessions over the weekend to get to the confirmation as fast as possible under the rules of procedure.
At least the cardboard cutouts will be better behaved. Probably just as smart too. And they don’t get paid as much.
Alas, poor tree, I knew you well . . .
Now, cut thst out!
The cutouts are an improvement.
Q: What’s the difference between the cardboard cutouts and the absent Dem committed members?
A: Even though they are rather thin, the cutouts, being three-dimensional, at least have SOME depth to them, compared to whom they are replacing.