Report: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Connected to FBI 2019 Money Laundering Probe

Fox News reported that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden has a link to an FBI money laundering probe:

The FBI’s subpoena of a laptop and hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden came in connection with a money laundering investigation in late 2019, according to documents obtained by Fox News and verified by multiple federal law enforcement officials who reviewed them.It is unclear, at this point, whether the investigation is ongoing or if it was directly related to Hunter Biden.Multiple federal law enforcement officials, as well as two separate government officials, confirmed the authenticity of these documents, which were signed by FBI Special Agent Joshua Wilson. Wilson did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Fox News received a document called a “Receipt for Property” FBI form. The Case ID is 272D-BA-3065729.

The document provides information about the FBI’s “interactions with John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of ‘The Mac Shop’ who reported the laptop’s contents to authorities.”

The FBI’s website and other officials said the number 272 is the classification number for money laundering.

272D is “Money Laundering, Unknown SUA [Specified Unlawful Activity]—White Collar Crime Program.”

BA is the FBI Baltimore Field Office. The subpoena came from Wilmington, DE, which sits under the jurisdiction of that office:

Another document, obtained by Fox News, was a subpoena sent to Isaac to testify before U.S. District Court in Delaware on Dec. 9, 2019. One page of the subpoena shows what appears to be serial numbers for a laptop and hard drive taken into possession.Based on the date of the subpoena, an official told Fox News that the case would have been opened prior to Isaac’s subpoena.“If a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, that means there is a high likelihood that both the laptop and hard drive contain fruits of criminal activity,” the official said.

The FBI doesn’t open a case for no reason:

“The FBI cannot open a case without predication, so they believed there was predication for criminal activity,” a government official told Fox News. “This means there was sufficient evidence to believe that there was criminal conduct.”

Fox News also has a subpoena the FBI handed Isaac

Professor Jacobson has an excellent point:

Tags: FBI, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden