Makers of Honey Badger Pistol Receive Cease and Desist from ATF
From the annals of “I’m sorry, but I thought this was America”

Government spoils all the fun.
Manufacturers of the Honey Badger pistol got a love letter from the ATF demanding they cease production “unless it is registered on an ATF Form 2, declaring that they are manufacturing an NFA weapon,” writes The Firearm Blog.
Firearms Manufacturer Q LLC announced today that it was issued a Cease and Desist by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. The ATF’s letter notified Q that the Honey Badger pistol is now considered a Short barreled rifle (SBR) and ordered them to immediately cease production of the firearm unless it is registered on an ATF Form 2, declaring that they are manufacturing an NFA weapon.
Q released a statement today in which they included their full response to the ATF and provided some guidance for those who may own Q Honey Badger pistols.
Read the full story at The Firearm Blog.

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I was really hoping that Trump would shut down the ATF. Instead he coaxed them into taking away everybody’s bump stocks. Looks like SBRs are next on the chopping block.
Meantime, what’s an NFA?
Nation Firearms Act of 1934 deals with machine guns short rifles/shotguns and other so called “Class III” devices. It was more or less a resopnse to the St Valentine’s day massacre and other probation era gang wars. The AR 15 pistol with a forearm brace is way into the gray area of the NFA.
Whatever happened to “shall NOT be infringed”?
This is where the Republican Party consistently fails and shows that the majority of GOPe are closet statist who despise firearms ownership. It’s telling that slimy anti-American CFR Newt Gingrinch did nothing to reign in the ATF during the 1990’s. This would be an easy platform to win on, but it’s clear most Republicans don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment.
Here in Texas, we have difficulty getting Constitutional Carry passed with allegedly Republican governor and other officers.
Gingrich will not be missed.
Another Waco/Ruby Ridge moment for an agency that ought not exist.
After the election, Trump will have more flexibility. Here’s to an overhaul of DoJ, the end of ATF, Homeland Scourge, Education and the relocation of every federal agency to anywhere outside of Washington, DC