Leftist “Dark Money” Opposing Barrett Nomination
Don’t be fooled by the myriad groups with fierce names and slick websites like Demand Justice. They represent Beltway Big Money, not America.

Obamacare, the most sweeping transformation to the nation’s healthcare system and economy in generations, is set to go before the Supreme Court one week after the November 3rd election. At stake is not just President Obama’s signature legislation, but as much as 18 percent of the country’s GDP—the future of which depends upon the makeup of the nation’s highest court.
That’s not lost on the professional Left and its legion of paid-for activists, who are desperately trying to halt Senate Republicans from confirming President Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to fill the seat occupied by the late Justice Ginsburg.
Demand Justice – the same ideologues who led the Left’s hideous campaign to smear Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a gang-rapist during his Supreme Court confirmation in 2018 — is at the center of the disinformation machine aimed at stopping Barrett and packing the Supreme Court with far-left justices. In late September, the attack group announced a “seven-figure” ad buy to bludgeon Republican Senators into withholding a confirmation vote until after the presidential election.
Like Kavanaugh, Demand Justice has turned Barrett—widely considered a Constitutional originalist—into a dark apostle for racial discrimination, overturning Roe v. Wade, and abolishing Obamacare. “Barrett is a far-right, activist judge whose confirmation would threaten to upend the lives of millions of Americans,” the group shrieks in its anti-Barrett “fact-sheet.”
But you won’t find Demand Justice listed on the websites of the IRS or nonprofit monitors like ProPublica, because it isn’t a real organization—it’s a front for the leftist Sixteen Thirty Fund. Sixteen Thirty Fund is a top “dark money” spender that funnels millions of dollars to leftist groups like America Votes, American Bridge, and Color of Change, all of which bolster Democratic turnout in elections.
Sixteen Thirty Fund is a product of the professional Left, seeded with cash from the infamous ACORN, Sierra Club, and Americans United for Change (AUFC). AUFC was exposed by journalists in October 2016 for hiring agitators to start fights in Trump rallies, leading to the resignation of the prominent activists who organized the violence.
But the deception doesn’t end with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which is just one group in a network of nonprofits run by the Washington, DC-based consultancy Arabella Advisors—a “dark money” network that poured out over $600 million in 2018 to aid Democrats and left-wing groups. That figure rises to an incredible $1.8 billion spent between 2013-18—with virtually no scrutiny by the mainstream media.
In the 2017-18 election cycle, Arabella’s nonprofit empire raised more than twice as much as the combined $501 million raised by Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee—and it’s continuing to grow.
In our new report The Shadow Over America, Capital Research Center exposes the river of “dark money” flowing through Arabella’s nonprofits to groups bent on fundamentally transforming America.
Arabella specializes in funneling cash from ultra-liberal foundations and mega-donors like George Soros’ Open Society Foundations to professional activists. But it’s also sponsored as many as 340 Demand Justice-style “pop-up” groups, each designed to fool viewers into believing they’re fully fledged nonprofits—and collect donations from unwitting supporters.
Left unchecked, these groups can be effective. In the 2018 midterms, Arabella floated as many as 15 “pop-ups” that savaged Republicans on healthcare, an issue that many observers attribute to Democrats’ takeover of the House of Representatives that year.
Don’t be fooled by the myriad groups with fierce names and slick websites like Demand Justice. They represent Beltway Big Money, not America. If Senate Republicans confirm Barrett to the Supreme Court—as many expect they will—we’ll gladly chalk up another defeat for Arabella’s Astroturf activism.
Hayden Ludwig is an investigative researcher for the Capital Research Center in Washington, DC

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Sheldon Whitehouse is a parody of himself. He belongs in a remake of the comedy, ‘Airplane’.
As what? Asking for myself.
the blow up doll
Surely that’s an insult to the blow-up doll.
And don’t call me Shirley!
Take your pick:
Either the woman who speaks jive or Johnny, who noted “And Leon’s getting larger!”
And the Deep State Big Tech….
Twitter Locks Kayleigh McEnany’s Account And Deletes Her Last Tweet About NY Post Biden Expose…
Weasel Zippers
If the FCC doesn’t do something DRASTIC about this, Barr should be hanged.
I know Barr isn’t in charge of the FCC. But hang him anyway. It’ll be no loss.
Let the big guy sort it out.
Sheldon Whitehouse is a horses ass.
Horse’s asses have a lot more worth than this poser Whitehouse.
Ted Cruz demolished whitehouse’s bullschiff on Tuesday. whitehouse did a hit and run on Wednesday on dark money again. The run part was so as not to have to hear the truth from Cruz……….again.
I’m enjoying the repubs who are fighting back.
Sen. John Kennedy (La)
Q: “Some butthead professor at Boston University says that because you & your husband have 2 children of color, that you’re a White colonist. The implication is that you’re a racist & that you use you two children as props…”
Judge Barrett: “Accusations like that are cruel.” pic.twitter.com/1myxbLnvxa
— CSPAN (@cspan) October 14, 2020
I thought the term “dark money” was W-A-A-A-CIST!
Well, now we’ve seen why they’re so P-Oed about Citizens United: what’s the point of having massive dark money networks if people can just go n advocate for themselves — you know “self government” — any time they want.
Apparently they didn’t need Citizens United to content censor pooitical speech in run up to elections.
?Life finds a way?
Jillionaire influencers — Hi, Bloomie! — uniquely get it and don’t. They’re all about bending the world to their will. Inside their fiefdoms that’s what they did and it worked. They find the outside world untidy, n it bugs them.
They forget that their minions did as directed because they were paid — Hi, Micro-Bill! So, pay us or be quiet.
…that they had to capture value produced by others: their customers. So, how does your scheme of lockdowns, directives, permits, throttlings n other authoritah help the rest of us do stuff so you can take a cut?
.. that to do that, you have to offer value in return (or cheat — Hi, Oligarchs!) Otherwise, Irish Democracy is a beyotch.
Lots of people think the world would be better with their hall monitoring. They forget that without some payoff, other people won’t play along.
I am impressed to the point of stunned at how the “social media” wranglers have coopted millions, nay billions, into not just their product but actually *working for them.*
“Net neutrality” was abiut giving those social media activist-Cartmans content levers to throttle people they don’t like way down under the hood. No problem there.
(Like Google’s hacked search results, but for everything.)