Hunter Biden Business Partner: Joe Biden Is The “Big Guy” In Influence Peddling Emails
Hunter also referred to Joe as “my chairman and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing.”

The NY Post has another blockbuster update to the Biden family influence peddling scandal.
The “big guy” referenced in previously released emails, who was to share in payments, was Joe Biden.
From The NY Post:
The dynamite assertion, believable because it aligns with earlier information we know to be true, came in a statement by Tony Bobulinski, who describes himself as a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe’s brother Jim in the China scheme. Bobulinski unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise language and detail.
He confirms that he was one of the recipients of the May 13, 2017, e-mail published by The Post eight days ago. That e-mail, from another partner in the group, laid out cash and equity positions and mysteriously included a 10 percent set-aside for “the big guy.”…
To that point, in perhaps the most devastating paragraph of the 689-word statement, Bobulinski writes that Hunter Biden also referred to his father as “my chairman and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing.”
“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business,” says Bobulinski, who was the CEO of the company being formed. “I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.” …
Bobulinski, a former wrestler at Penn State University who spent four years in the Navy, insists he has voluminous evidence to back up his explosive charges, reportedly including documents, e-mails, messages and other proof.
Late Wednesday night, he uploaded many to a file- sharing service.
He also says that he turned over all his evidence to two Senate committees Wednesday that requested it.
Statement from fame Lt. Tony Bobulinski – a business associate of Hunter Biden – obtained by @FoxNews
— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) October 22, 2020
I finally got the FBI to start investigating a laptop they have had for over 8 months.
And it turns out to be valid and incriminates #CrookedBiden the #BidenCrimeFamily.
So do we get an apology from Tweeter, Facebook, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN etc.
And when does the Censorship end
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 22, 2020
You can see how the Hunter Biden laptop has placed the entire corporate media into checkmate: they can either report the story and destroy their preferred candidate or remain silent and destroy their remaining credibility.
— Emerald Robinson
(@EmeraldRobinson) October 22, 2020
Reminder – As the Joe Biden family influence peddling scandal is unfolding and mainstream media and social media giants are trying to put a lid on it, 50 million people will have early voted without knowing the truth about it.
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) October 22, 2020

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“Bobulinski…insists he has voluminous evidence to back up his explosive charges…”
I suspect his life is no longer insurable.
‘explosive charges’ may be a rather unfortunate choice of words
More proven explosive facts:
Biden isn’t the only one taking COMMUNIST CHINESE money bribes
Top U.S. Universities Caught Underreporting Funding From China, Other ‘Foreign Adversaries’
The Federalist
I hope he’s already in Witness Protection under a different name.
Somehow I don’t the that the Federal bureaucracy – the same ones that covered up the FBI incompetence, malfeasance and outright murder at Waco and Ruby Ridge, the same agencies that invented the Russia Hoax, the same ones who illegally spied on the Trump campaigned by using altered FISA documents, the same ones who covered up illegal activities of Hillary! and Obama, the same ones that routinely alter or “lose” evidence – will suddenly and miraculously start doing their jobs in the Witness Protection Program if it could mean bringing down the House of Biden.
As of yesterday the NY Post was still locked out of its Twitter account.
The saddest part is the voters who should care apparently don’t.
Time to audit “Godfather,” Big Guy,” corrupt, dim-witted, avaricious, mendacious and dotard, Biden’s, tax returns. Does anyone believe that Godfather Joe reported his kickbacks on his tax returns? This idiot probably owes millions in unpaid penalties, with interest, assuming that his kickback scheme has been going on for decades, and, that the rest of the Biden crime family was also kicking back dough to the Boss of Bosses.
It will be enjoyable to see POTUS hammer crooked mafia boss, Biden, at tonight’s debate, because we know full-well that the
“moderator”-Biden cheerleader/defender won’t lay a finger on him. I predict Biden losing his cool — the guy becomes obnoxiously belligerent when challenged regarding his family corruption.
guess we’re expected to believe that all this graft went on without the knowledge/consent/participation of JOE’s boss
Joe Burisma Biden was also the overseer of Obama’s money laundering stimulus package
Hunter Biden’s companies were paid over $130 million in taxpayer funds from the “recovery” stash.
But remember, not a smidgen of corruption in the Obama administration!
Just truck-loads of it, with both Biden and Hillary running massive influence-peddling operations right under the lightworker’s upturned nose.
I’m still waiting for the 2010 Summer of Recovery to take place.
“Washington, DC – Vice President Joe Biden today [=06/17/10] delivered a report, “Summer of Recovery: Project Activity Increases in Summer 2010,” to the President detailing the surge in Recovery Act infrastructure projects that will be underway this summer – and the jobs those projects will create into the fall and through the end of 2010. A copy of the report, as well as a presentation the Vice President [Biden] will deliver is attached.
Well, there was a recovery of sorts,
Here you have a real provable conclusion with foreign government violations of Title 15 and 18 and we get crickets. While the propaganda machine is saying Trump filed a tax return once and it appears, and we can find nothing illegal, send him to jail.
This is far worse than Nixon. Not, that I think he will win, but can he be impeached before he takes office? Wonder how much Kamala has helped this story along?
Wade – first forgive my errant mouse click downrating you. No undo available.
Second – Mr. Harris is already speaking of the Harris Administration (with Joe Biden) and excited to be first Man.
They know the plan. Guaranteed.