‘God Help Us If Trump Wins,’ Palestinian Prime Minister Warns EU Lawmakers

The Palestinians are scared of President Donald Trump’s victory in the November 3rd election, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh claims.

“God help us, the God help you [European Union] and the whole world if there are four more years of Trump,” the Palestinian prime minister warned a group of EU lawmakers on Monday.

“Trump has wasted four years of everyone’s time. The ultimate deal was not delivered. [Trump’s plan] was rejected by the Palestinians, the Arabs and Europe. The [United States] is just too biased,” Shtayyeh complained to his European partners.

The Ramallah-based Palestinian government has faced massive cuts in U.S. financial aid since President Trump took office.

The Palestinian prime minister, who serves under President Mahmoud Abbas, has long been rooting for a Biden-Harris victory in the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

“If Mr Biden is elected in November, we hope that it will be a totally different dynamic,” he declared in July.

The Associated Press reported the Palestinian leader’s remarks:

The Palestinian prime minister said Tuesday it will be disastrous for his people and the world at large if President Donald Trump wins re-election next month.Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said the last four years of the Trump administration have greatly harmed the Palestinians.“If we are going to live another four years with President Trump, God help us, God help you and God help the whole world,” Shtayyeh said Tuesday, repeating comments he made a day earlier in a remote meeting with European lawmakers.The comments were earlier posted on his Facebook page.The Palestinians have traditionally refrained from taking an explicit public position in American presidential elections. Shtayyeh’s comments reflected the sense of desperation on the Palestinian side after a series of U.S. moves that have left them weakened and isolated. (…)Shtayyeh expressed hope that a victory by the Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden would raise prospects for a peace deal.“If things are going to change in the United States I think this will reflect itself directly on the Palestinian-Israeli relationship,” he said. “And it will reflect itself also on the bilateral Palestinian-American relationship.”

Shtayyeh’s remarks reflect the deep-seated anger within the Palestinian leadership and its followers for the Trump administration. Palestinian rioters have been burning effigies and posters of the U.S. president ever since he took office.

Palestinian leaders rejected the Trump peace plan unveiled in January. President Trump offered land swaps between Jewish and Arab communities and a $50 billion economic development for the region. Palestinians responded to the generous offer of peace with rioting and ramping up terror against Israel civilians.

A  survey conducted by the ‘Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research’ just weeks after the unveiling of the Trump plan showed that 94 percent of Palestinians rejected the peace offer, and 64 percent favored “armed struggle in response to the plan” — a euphemism for terrorism.

The reality on the Israeli side could not be more different. The Israeli government and the people overwhelmingly embraced the peace plan offered by President Trump. The White House’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the country’s sovereignty over the strategic Golan Heights have only endeared them to the current President.

A poll released by the Israeli TV channel i24News on Sunday showed that most Israelis favor President Trump in November 3 election. More than 63 percent of the Israeli respondents preferred President’s reelection, as opposed to less than 19 percent who favored his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

“Almost half of correspondents think US Jews are ‘mistaken’ to support Democratic Party,” the pollsters found.

The i24News reported the opinion poll:

Answering the question, “which US presidential candidate do you think will be better for Israel?” 63.3 percent of respondents chose the Republican leader.In contrast, Democrat candidate and former vice president Joe Biden came up with a mere 18.8 percent.Moreover, 53.2 percent said they thought the Israeli right would be significantly harmed if Trump was not re-elected. A little over 21 percent replied that “Israel acts independently,” therefore won’t be influenced by a change in the White House.A clear majority of Israelis favor the re-election of US President Donald Trump come November’s presidential elections, a new poll conducted for i24NEWS showed Monday night. (…)In addition, a little over half of respondents (50.9 percent) said they believe that US-Israel ties will be harmed if Biden is elected, versus 43.5 percent who said that relations won’t be affected.

Prime Minister Shtayyeh’s remarks also acknowledge the growing isolation faced by the Palestinians across the Middle East.

President Trump’s peace initiative has been accepted by the Israelis and a growing number of Arab states. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain last month signed landmark agreements recognizing the state of Israel. President Trump believes that more Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, may follow their example soon.

The Arab move towards peace has only enraged the Palestinians further. Triggered protesters rioted on the Temple Mount and Palestinian-controlled territories, burning the U.S., Israeli and Arab national flags. In a recent interview, the Palestinian ambassador to France claimed that Gulf Arab states “have become more Israeli than Israel.” The envoy accused Arab countries of revealing “their true face” as they abandon the ‘Palestinian Cause’ on the world stage.

The UAE’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Anwar Gargash, slammed the Palestinian envoy for his ungratefulness for all the generous material and diplomatic support they have received from the Gulf state over the decades.

“We have grown accustomed to the lack of loyalty and the ingratitude. We proceed toward the future confident in all our actions and beliefs,” said, supporting his country’s decision to normalize relation with Israel.

“‘A Thousand No’s’: Abbas reject’s Trump Peace Plan” (January 2020)

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, European Union, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Terror, Trump Foreign Policy