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Girl Scouts Cave to Rabid Leftist Mob, Deletes Tweet Congratulating Barrett for SCOTUS Confirmation

Girl Scouts Cave to Rabid Leftist Mob, Deletes Tweet Congratulating Barrett for SCOTUS Confirmation

What a shock from an organization that once promoted Media Matters, has local councils connected to Planned Parenthood, and tweeted many political-related topics in the past.

Girl Scouts, an organization that supposedly aims to celebrate females and develop girls into strong adults, deleted a tweet congratulating now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her SCOTUS confirmation because of the leftist mob.

The Girl Scouts then said the tweet “was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.”

They reaffirmed it”is a nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization” that is “not red nor blue” but remains “Girl Scout GREEN.”


You want to go there, Girl Scouts?

How about these tweets, including discussions on how to run for local office!?

This isn’t shocking since Girl Scouts have a relationship with Planned Parenthood.

Do not tell me they do not have one. Look at the wording of the statement. The national office does not have a relationship with the infanticide company, but many local Girl Scout councils have one.

I gave up everything Girl Scouts when they promoted freaking Media Matters.

Their cookies are overrated anyway.


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2smartforlibs | October 29, 2020 at 1:09 pm

Look up who profits from those cookie sales. it’s not the girl scouts.

The Girls scouts long ago ceased being about improving the life of girls

The current purpose of girls scouts is to generate funds to pay the leaders salaries. Girls are heavily recruited to increase the sales force for the cookie sales. Approx 3/4 of the cookie proceeds go to cover salaries of the management.

“…deleted a tweet congratulating now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett on her SCOTUS confirmation because of the leftist mob.”

Golly. It’s like that whole Leftist mantra of ‘diversity & inclusion’ is simply a cudgel of bullsh!t, or something.

Morning Sunshine | October 29, 2020 at 1:29 pm

I rabidly bought cookies even 10 years ago. They last all year in the freezer. Then the planned parenthood thing. I gave them up. Sad, yes. But I found Keebler makes a lovely thin mint alternative. And I have even found a nice substitute for my Samoa addiction (isn’t that a cultural appropriation name? just asking…). But even after finding those, I realized I just didn’t need that sugar in my life. I happily avoid the cookies now.
If GSA didn’t have the cookies, no one would know who they are. Sad but true.

Since they went woke, I refuse to buy their stinking cookies any more.

I miss the days when boy scouts and girl scouts got together to make brownies.

Sandra Day O’Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor broke gender barriers in the nation’s highest court

Yes indeed, they demonstrated conclusively that you don’t have to be a man to be a really ridiculous and just all-around piss-poor Justice. A great accomplishment. Up until the modern era, most of history’s most obvious failures have been men. But now just about anybody can get in on the act.

We are watching the end stages of a very deliberate effort to destroy all major cultural supports for both boys and girls. The only thing wrong with either the Girl Scouts or the Boy Scouts was that the organizations were good for teaching young people useable life skills.

Separating the sexes for a little while a time or two a week was a relief for the kids. I did not understand why this would be so at the time, but when my own children were in elementary school, I got a good look at their two, different cultures.

Now that the [gender of choice] Scouts have gone woke, what is even the rationale for the Girl Scouts’ existence?

    henrybowman in reply to McGehee. | October 29, 2020 at 4:39 pm

    The Girl Scouts had a total hissy fit meltdown when the Boy Scouts went co-ed in 2018.

      Politically congruent (“=”). They are paying a steep, perhaps final price for embracing trans/homosexual male leaders that molested the scouts in their care.

        henrybowman in reply to n.n. | October 29, 2020 at 7:00 pm

        Not really. The molestation cases are almost entirely exclusively from the decades before that accommodation.

    Give up? Fall back? Perhaps kneel? This is why liberals have enjoyed unmitigated progress.

This action by GSA is the most obscene example of cowardice and partisanship I can recall. Is THIS gutless groveling the role model GSA wants to demonstrate to their young ladies and troop leaders? Do they WANT to become a neutered bankrupt organization like BSA? Are they sheep? I’m sorry, sometimes courage requires some risk. Sometimes appeasement leads to ruin (ask Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain).

we all knew Ginsberg was an extremely polarizing figure, made the GSA delete a tweet

BierceAmbrose | October 29, 2020 at 3:19 pm

Well, much like Mothers Against Only Certain Violence, them name is a cover, the agenda something else.

Non-partisan?! You can bet if Ruth Bader Ginsburg Jr. had been nominated for the Supreme Court the Girl Scouts would bring Twitter to its knees with the volume of congratulatory Tweets they would send.

MattLauersNob | October 29, 2020 at 3:52 pm

The left has destroyed Girl Scouts and is close to doing the same with Boy Scouts. As usual, they do not create an alternative, just destroy.

SeekingRationalThought | October 29, 2020 at 4:23 pm

Brilliant! When trying to develop women of character, teach them to go along to get along. Its always better to cave to the mob than to stick to your principles, isn’t it Ladies? Now, the Girl Scouts are just another organization on the trash heap of history. This will encourage competition, which is a good thing.l

A woman, a wife, a mother, a judge now justice… Feminine females that place principles before empathy are deplorable.

So, the left has thoroughly destroyed two great, formative organizations for children, the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts.

I guess I will have to homeschool their nature skills too.

Antifundamentalist | October 29, 2020 at 7:05 pm

I refused to allow my daughter to join the Girl Scouts. This just reaffirms my decision.

Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Looks like they’re going to have to delete the “courageous and strong” line. And likely the “honest and fair” one also.

I haven’t bought Girl Scout cookies for about 10 years. I really hate the kind of women they promote to these girls. Like Margaret Sanger, if you can believe that! Hillary. No conservative women, of course.