Two against one? It’s really Trump against the world. Hillary Clinton famously said, “I will fight for you,” but didn’t mean it. Trump didn’t say it, he just went out and did it.
Tsk tsk. Chris Wallace is like the last of the old-style journalists who want to maintain some semblance of integrity and objectivity. What the hell was he supposed to do in the middle of this crazy political food-fight? Cut him some slack, people. All I can say is, this crazy performance was no surprise coming from Trump, he’s a political brawler. Biden managed to survive better than I expected, although, I admit I had a very low bar for him to overcome. It also reminded me why I usually avoid watching political “debates” in the first place.
But having watched it, I would say the most substantial moment in the debates: Biden is asked if he supports packing the Supreme Court and his answer, in a nutshell, is basically: I am afraid to say what I believe and take the heat from those who disagree. What a cowardly pussy.
“Man oh Manischewitz!” You capture more essence with your creative illustrations than a full-page editorial in the “New York Slimes” could begin to paint with words. Bravo Mr. Branco!
Joe doesn’t have a “Yo Jill” tat?
After Trump’s trashing Joe’ll be wearing his new cauliflower ears for weeks.
Didn’t lay a glove on him! Thanks Chris…
It was a combination of 1) two against one, and 2) Wallace protecting Slow Joe.
You’ve perfectly captured it.
Look, Branco even drew Old Joe with the blonde leg hair the kids liked to play with in the pool.
Sometimes he’s like a portrait artist. ?
His initials should have been S.W., for Shep Wallace.
Two against one? It’s really Trump against the world. Hillary Clinton famously said, “I will fight for you,” but didn’t mean it. Trump didn’t say it, he just went out and did it.
“You wouldn’t hit a guy in glasses, would you?!?”
He should have added Candy Crowley to the ring – though if he did, no one could see anyone behind her.
That fool Romney criticized the debate – after making a fool of himself by losing to obama while he was standing behind candy crowley:
Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya:
Tsk tsk. Chris Wallace is like the last of the old-style journalists who want to maintain some semblance of integrity and objectivity. What the hell was he supposed to do in the middle of this crazy political food-fight? Cut him some slack, people. All I can say is, this crazy performance was no surprise coming from Trump, he’s a political brawler. Biden managed to survive better than I expected, although, I admit I had a very low bar for him to overcome. It also reminded me why I usually avoid watching political “debates” in the first place.
But having watched it, I would say the most substantial moment in the debates: Biden is asked if he supports packing the Supreme Court and his answer, in a nutshell, is basically: I am afraid to say what I believe and take the heat from those who disagree. What a cowardly pussy.
“Man oh Manischewitz!” You capture more essence with your creative illustrations than a full-page editorial in the “New York Slimes” could begin to paint with words. Bravo Mr. Branco!