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Branco Cartoon – Cruella de Vil

Branco Cartoon – Cruella de Vil

“There’s an explanation, of course. You see…I’m a really terrible person.”

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She’s holding an ice cream bar in her favorite flavor: strawberry spite.

You misspelled “Peloser”.

legacyrepublican | October 22, 2020 at 10:01 am

Trump should tweet this. But then again, Twitter would suppress it due it being truthful.

Mark Quatrain | October 22, 2020 at 2:34 pm

Nancy Pelosi may have a lot to answer for, but it’s Mandarin Mitch McConnell who’s blocking COVID relief. His family fortune is in the 10-figure range, and he and his wife are set to inherit at least nine figures of that soon from her almost 100-year-old father. But that fortune is all in Chinese businesses, and if Mitch makes the ChiComs unhappy, it can all go away overnight. So Mitch is doing all he can to keep Chairman Mao Jr Xi Jinping very happy, and stifling our American economy. Hunter Biden is a penny ante crook. Mitch McConnell is much deeper in China’s pocket.

    A very good attempt at the “deflection” politicians have perfected. That may (or may not) be true, but Mitch isn’t running for President. The folks in Kentucky might want to look into it though. If the amounts involved in the Biden “pay to play” scheme are “penny ante” to you, I envy your bank account.

    dellienevins in reply to Mark Quatrain. | October 25, 2020 at 7:41 am

    You’re mixing up who McConnell’s wife is— she and her father are Taiwanese— not Chinese Communist party members— that would be mainland China. He is 92. You only demonstrate your stupidity by not having those things straight. And for tax reasons, her father made gifts to all his children and their spouses which means they are Americans or in the case of her father have dual citizenship. You ought to understand a bit about tax and immigration law before you spout off. You’d save yourself a lot of embarrassment.

      Mark Quatrain in reply to dellienevins. | November 1, 2020 at 10:56 am

      You badly need to learn some facts. While the Chao family may be ethnically Taiwanese, their shipping company, the Foremost Group, is rooted in mainland China. Most of its ships were built in mainland China. Much of its financing comes from chinese government owned institutions. About 75% of its shipping goes to mainland China. The whole Chao family, including Mandarin Mitch, is in Chairman Xi’s pocket.