Beto O’Rourke Expected to Take Teaching Position at Texas State in Spring of 2021
“He’s got a unique take on things with his experience as a congressman and as [a] senatorial candidate and even a presidential candidate.”

Why is Beto O’Rourke lining up a teaching position for the spring if Joe Biden is going to be president? Isn’t Beto supposed to head the gun confiscation task force or something?
The University Star reports:
Beto O’Rourke expected to teach at Texas State in spring 2021
Former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke will teach Texas politics at Texas State in the spring 2021 semester, the Department of Political Science told The University Star on Oct. 15.
Pending finalization of his hire, O’Rourke will join the department as an instructor teaching a synchronous online class. Political Science Chair Ken Grasso says he discussed potential class subjects with O’Rourke, who he says gravitated toward Texas politics.
“He originally approached people in the administration… and expressed an interest in teaching,” Grasso said. “I was thrilled. He’s got a unique take on things with his experience as a congressman and as [a] senatorial candidate and even a presidential candidate. So we’re very happy to have him.”
Grasso says O’Rourke expressed a desire to connect with young adults as his motivation to teach, especially during such a “crucial time for the state and the country.”
He added that O’Rourke’s arrival will be an exciting development for Texas State’s political science faculty and staff.
“I don’t know that so much it’s going to increase enrollments; it’ll certainly increase visibility,” Grasso said. “That’s always a good thing. We tend to sometimes to get lost in the shadow of other institutions.”

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As a Texan, I can’t even believe this is a Texan. Shouldn’t this metrosexual be hitting the bathhouse circuit with his fruity leader from the last administration?
Was the gigolo born there?
Isn’t that sort of an Italian word?
Like the mafia would use.
Don’t know if the Irish like Bernard have a special word for it.
He is as much Mexican as Crazy Lizzie is Kickapoo.
O’Rourke served 3 terms (6-years) in the US House of Representatives from a safely (D) district that hadn’t voted for an (R) since the early 60s.
He failed in runs for the US Senate and for the (D) Presidential primary, despite massive funding from liberal groups and star-like treatment from the press.
Sounds like a class for losers.
If John Kerry had ever had to work he could have been a professor, pimp, pilot or something. Whichever way the wind blows, that’s where Kerry goes.
Heaven forbid that the sissy would actually have to get out of bed, got to work and actually do something, all day, just like working people do.
Nah, as a “professor” or something like that, part time dalliances are just a little blessing for the idiots who might enroll in whatever topic “it” presumes to know something about.
Twerking 101? What this clown possibly teach?
Those who can’t do, teach.
Those who can’t teach, teach gym.
Those who can’t teach gym, inspect buildings.
I added the last part after doing some renovation work.
likely to be as informative as attending a class on nuclear physics conducted by willie
“clueless” doesn’t even approach describing what an entitled moron he is
Texas State used to be Southwest Texas (SWT). It’s in Hays County. In the last election, for the first time, NO Republican was elected in the county. It’s just south of Travis County, and the PRA, people’s republic of Austin.
It’s a natural landing spot for a loser like O’Rourke, sadly.
The mouth breathing doofus obviously is hard up for a job and knows that higher ed is a perfect landing pad for pretentious intellectual zeros like him when the trust fund starts to run a little thin. Anyone who would put up tuition dollars to listen to this vapid twit talk about anything deserves to be fleeced.
I really wish that they were still shooting “Community” because they could have a blast with a new professor character “who was recently in Congress.” Maybe have him share an office with Michael Kenneth Williams (Omar). The truth would almost write itself.
Isn’t he supposed to be Biden’s expert on gun control?