Anti-Republican Lincoln Project Shared Info Tied to Iranian Disinformation Campaign

To begin with:

The group of Never Trumpers turned anti-Republican media machine, and John Kasich, formed a group called the Lincoln Project, the politics of which is exactly what you’d expect from opportunistic Never Trumpers. We’ve catalogued much about their efforts here.

Anyway, Fox News recently reported that the group shared content that was IDed as originating from one of the Iranian disinformation campaigns and I’m still chucking.

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump Republican political action committee, shared content on Twitter about the president’s supporters that U.S. intelligence officials later labeled as Iranian disinformation.

The two discussed efforts earlier this week by Iran and Russia to sway voters in the presidential election.
The Lincoln Project added that the punishment for such a crime is spending “up to a year in jail.””Let’s find them and make them famous,” the PAC wrote. The tweet has since been deleted.

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Tags: Lincoln Project, Trump Derangement Syndrome