Theater Students at Ithaca College Threaten to Out ‘White Supremacist’ Faculty

As someone who studied theater in college, I really don’t understand this at all. It sounds like these students have been radicalized and have completely forgotten why they’re even in college.

The College Fix reports:

Ithaca College theatre students threaten to out ‘white supremacist’ facultyA group of current and former theatre students at Ithaca College has set an October 1 deadline for the private college in New York to fulfill two of its ten demands.If these demands are not met, the group has plans to publicly call for the resignation of theatre department administrators and faculty who “repeatedly exhibited racist behavior and white supremacist ideologies” while teaching in the theatre department, according to the initial July 30 letter published on Medium.The activist group, which calls itself ICTA BIPOC for “Ithaca College Theatre Arts Black, Indigenous and People of Color,” reiterated its threat in a September 22 Instagram post.“We are ten days away from October 1st,” the group wrote, tagging the theatre arts department’s Instagram account. The last post from the department’s Instagram account is a May 31 statement in support of Black Lives Matter.The College Fix reached out to ICTA BIPOC twice in the past week over email and Instagram but did not receive a response.One demand is for the university to create a committee of faculty, staff and students to investigate any complaint of racism by students.The second demand is for mandatory diversity, “unconscious bias” and racism training for everyone in the theatre department.

Tags: College Insurrection, New York