Joe Biden’s Struggle to Win Over Black Voters Should Worry Democrats
“For every African American, especially, young African Americans, we point clearly to the 1994 Crime Bill, which was sponsored by Sen. Joe Biden.”

Democrats were clearly hoping the Obama voter coalition of 2008 and 2012 would show up for Joe Biden in 2020. This strategy became apparent during the South Carolina primary in June. Black voters carried Biden over the finish line and almost all the other candidates immediately dropped out of the race.
It’s not clear this method is going to work in November.
On a national level, there is no apparent excitement about Biden among black voters, especially young voters.
Joshua Nelson reports at FOX News:
Young Black voters not excited about Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket, analyst says
2020 Democratic running mates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not appealing to young African American voters, Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell said Monday.
“For every African American, especially, young African Americans, we point clearly to the 1994 Crime Bill, which was sponsored by Sen. Joe Biden. One which gave $9.7 billion to build private prisons in our country and provided grants and incentivized states to create what we call the three-strike law,” Caldwell told “Fox & Friends.”
Caldwell said the legislation was “very intentional and it created a fair amount of injustice for African Americans.”
“Joe Biden is a part of the problem therefore I don’t understand how anyone could be thinking he could fix the injustices when he was the one who created them,” Caldwell said.
Do you remember how viral Obama was as a candidate in 2008, particularly among black voters? He was treated like a celebrity everywhere he went, every video of him had hundreds of thousands of views, if not millions. The excitement was electric. There is none of that for Biden.
Marty Johnson of The Hill reports that Biden is trying to reach more black voters in battleground states. Obama did not have to ‘try’ to do this:
Biden steps up Black voter outreach in battleground states
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has in recent days increased outreach to Black voters in battleground states expected to play a pivotal role in the outcome of November’s general election.
The effort underscores the importance for Biden of energizing minority voters in the handful of swing states that will ultimately decide the race between him and President Trump.
“If we think about the swing states where Black voter turnout dropped off in 2016 — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina — [Biden] needs Black turnout to increase back to or near Obama levels,” Adrianne Shropshire, executive director of the left-leaning BlackPAC, told The Hill. “They certainly cannot be where they were in 2016.”
This is not a good sign for Biden. I recently made a video on this topic, if you care to view it:
Democrats and their media allies may not talk about this much, but they would be crazy not to worry.

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Ah, yes. The author of the 1994 crime bill and the attorney who kept people in prison for minor drug offenses.
Biden / Harris 2020: “We’ve got the black vote locked up!”
Kamala Harris, the only verified descendant of a slave owner in the entire crop of 2020 Presidential candidates.
The “woke” left must have a splitting headache from the cognitive dissonance.
Heh, I see what you did there.
Hi, Ms. S.I got it right away and had a good chuckle out of it. Helped make an already pleasant day more so.
Jaw-Dropping Fraud:
Beijing Biden Plans to Introduce “America First” Economic Plan in Michigan…
It’s about as clear as Detroit tap water.
All he’s got are cries of “RAYCISS!” and “they’re gonna put ya’ll back in chains!”
Maybe, just maybe, they’re getting wise to the Dim schtick.
I think it would be more accurate to say “There is no apparent excitement about Biden among voters”
The question remains: when they step into the polling booth, how many bla… er. Blacks, Jews, and “Hispanics” will still – when push comes to shove – vote Democrat?
Biden might be losing some of the black vote because black people are getting tired of leftists mayors letting their neighborhoods burned down. Not enough to get new mayors, but enough to reelect Trump.
RE: “Do you remember how viral Obama was as a candidate in 2008, particularly among black voters? He was treated like a celebrity everywhere he went….”
That’s only because it was 100% FAKE.
Facebook and Twitter Farms in Communist China and Iran, Iowa primary stolen from Hillary by busing in lots of Chicago thugs who physically threatened the poll workers and voters, and the list goes on and on and on and on – to even include the UN-earned Noballs Piece Prize…..
I know Trump is going to win; because of the 10-mile long traffic jams to see his rallies, because of the hours long boat flotillas sporting MAGA flags, and because he has rap artists writing dozens of songs in his support.
Look up Bryson Gray on youtube. He’s got some killer beats with awesome lyrics supporting Trump. “MAGA Boys” and “Gun Totin’ Patriot” are two of his best. Rap isn’t usually my thing, but I like his music.
For decades Political scientists have known if the left doesn’t get 85% +- of the black vote they couldn’t win a national election.
Trump started meeting with black pastors early on.
You won’t see it in MSM, but he’s been freeing blacks from the plantation for 4 years.
Trump’s “What the hell do you have to lose?” was a brilliant piece of political rhetoric.
His frequent statements about how much his policies have benefitted blacks serve to remind them how well he’s kept the promises implicit in that question.
I suspect that all the also-ran candidates dropped out because they were told to by Obama. That left his #2 as the Trojan horse for all the commies Obama favored. Nothing else explains the rush for the exits.
Come on man, give me a break. What about Corn Pop and his father, Corn PopDaddy?
You’re all Dog faced lying pony soldiers!
Mike, have you seen this historical clip of Biden from 1993?
Calling an unnamed race/people predators and not socialized, and making a dire prediction about “15 years from now” …
Here it is on Youtube:
Those clips should end Biden with the blacks.
President Trump has done far more for black Americans than any president since Lincoln, and his black supporters are doing the outreach with his campaign.
I’m waiting to see if the debates actually happen. September 29th is only 3 weeks away and Joe didn’t come out to play at all today, for the second time in two weeks. I’ve got a fair amount of cash I’m willing to wager that he’s not going to show up.
Trump could play the Eastwood card and just debate an empty podium, but none of the LSM would carry it.
But but but…. English Major Jill Biden said she was going to do Wisconsin for Joe – but from her basement virtually…….
This was just sent to me: “Color, Communism and Common Sense” speech filmed in 1969 at
The limousine liberals literally don’t understand.
We put a black person on the ticket! Y THEY NO VOTEZ BIDEN!
They picked their VP based purely on skin color, not comprehending that Kamala Harris had the absolute lowest support of black voters in the primary.
It’s what happens when you reduce your voters to skin color instead of issue.
And Remember Kamala is Obama’s pick!
Final tally of the voters will be Trump 100 million. biden 1 billion seven hundred million and three.
Dems will claim repubs cheated.
Yeah but Bidens votes will only win the 9 mail in States .
Trump takes the other 41 in a landslide.
Dems have egg on their faces , counting votes till Dec 8 , mainly affecting Blue Congressional districts
Has anybody put together the historical analogy of Biden and Germany’s Paul Hindenberg – and Harris and Hitler?