Henderson, NV, Fines Company That Hosted Indoor Trump Rally $3000 for COVID Policy Violations

President Donald Trump was in Nevada for several campaign events this weekend, including an indoor rally at Xtreme Manufacturing in Henderson.

Even though all Americans are fully aware of the hazards associated with the Wuhan Coronavirus, and have seen “peaceful protesters” ignore all social distancing rules, the city in which the manufacturing company operated issued a warning to try and stop the rally.

Xtreme Manufacturing ignored the warning and held the event. The city subsequently fined the firm $3000.

The City of Henderson has fined the company that hosted President Donald Trump’s campaign rally Sunday evening $3,000 for multiple violations of the state’s emergency coronavirus directive.Spokeswoman Kathleen Richards, in a statement on Monday, said that a city compliance officer observed six violations of state directives during the rally at the Xtreme Manufacturing warehouse in Henderson and that the city’s Business Operations Division has issued a business license notice of violation, in addition to the $3,000 fine. Xtreme Manufacturing has 30 calendar days to respond to the notice and pay the penalty or dispute it.The city notified Xtreme Manufacturing on Friday that the planned event was in violation of the state’s 50-person limit on public gatherings. About 5,600 people attended the indoor rally, according to the Henderson Fire Department, with the vast majority of them not wearing masks.

Representatives of the Trump campaign defended the decision to hold the indoor event and indicated it had a sensible pandemic protocol in place.

“If you can join tens of thousands of people protesting in the streets, gamble in a casino, or burn down small businesses in riots, you can gather peacefully under the 1st Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,” Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told reporters.Campaign officials added that all attendees would be provided masks and “encouraged” to wear them. All guests would also be subject to temperature screenings, according to the campaign.The campaign faced criticism from some on social media over the event, which comes as Nevada has seen its numbers of new COVID-19 cases per day drop in recent weeks, though the state is still reporting more than 100 new cases per day.

The company is now being doxxed.

Many in the media were less than happy that the Trump rallies are back….

….and as popular as ever!

Now, why would the Democratic governor of Nevada and the elite media be unhappy with this event? Biden’s light campaign schedule may be a clue.

…[N]ine days into this month, Biden has delivered public remarks six times in four states.Yes, this campaign is occurring during a serious pandemic, and Biden and his team have particular reason to worry about an almost-78-year-old man interacting with a lot of people. This means Biden won’t hold the traditional big rallies, and will have to make do with smaller, socially distanced events. Yes, Biden is ahead in most polling, thus he and his campaign may feel he doesn’t need to attend a lot of events.16But this is a really light schedule for the first week of September in a presidential campaign. In a five-day stretch back in 2016, while battling what was later diagnosed as walking pneumonia, Hillary Clinton attended rallies and events in Cleveland, Ohio; Hampton, Ill.; Tampa, Fla., New York City, Charlotte, N.C., Kansas City, Mo., and then New York City again.

Tags: Nevada, Trump 2020, Wuhan Coronavirus