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Curry College Retiring ‘Colonel’ Mascot to Better Reflect Diversity and Inclusion

Curry College Retiring ‘Colonel’ Mascot to Better Reflect Diversity and Inclusion

“This time in our nation’s history in which larger conversations around racism and racial violence, bias, and the true meanings of diversity and inclusion make it important for us to examine institutional norms”

This has been in discussion for over a year, but they appear to be seizing upon current events to make the change.

WHDH News reports:

Curry College plans to replace colonel mascot with logo

Curry College officials have announced a change to the school’s colonel mascot to better reflect its mission of diversity and inclusion.

Officials said they will retire the colonel mascot image and replace it with the interlocking “CC” logo, according to an email sent to the college community on Friday.

“This time in our nation’s history in which larger conversations around racism and racial violence, bias, and the true meanings of diversity and inclusion make it important for us to examine institutional norms, not solely in the context of our College’s history but also in that of contemporary social and cultural issues,” the college said in a statement.

Discussions around the mascot and name have been ongoing for the past year and a half, according to officials.


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 4, 2020 at 4:24 pm

I recommend their new mascot be a 6 holer out house……

The Friendly Grizzly | September 4, 2020 at 6:07 pm

Diversity and Inclusion: no whites.

Curry isn’t exactly well known so I had to look it up. Yep, Massachusetts, near Boston. That explains a lot.

Oh Cmon…his hat is purple! He’s inclusive!