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Black Student Union at U. Wisconsin-Madison Wants 70-Ton Boulder Removed Since It has a Racist Nickname a Century Ago

Black Student Union at U. Wisconsin-Madison Wants 70-Ton Boulder Removed Since It has a Racist Nickname a Century Ago

It had a horrible nickname in…1925!

The Black Student Union at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wants the school to remove a 70-ton boulder because it had a racist nickname a century ago.

From The College Fix:

The boulder had traveled to the region over 10,000 years ago, deposited by ancient pre-Cambrian bedrock drift from Canada, according to its plaque.

In 1925, workers pulled the rock out of the side of a hill on campus and named it “Chamberlin Rock” after Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, a 19th century glaciologist and University of Wisconsin president. The rock was adorned with a plaque commemorating Chamberlin and placed at the university’s Washburn Observatory, where it remains today.

While Chamberlin Rock has been a campus fixture for 95 years, it recently came under fire due to once being described as a “n****rhead” in 1925 as was common geological practice at the time to describe large dark rocks, reports.

The Black Student Union at UW is now calling on the university to find an alternate way to represent Chamberlin on campus without the legacy implied by the rock.

“You clearly see what the rock was called and you can’t deny the history. Additionally you can’t deny the way it makes some people feel,” Black Student Union president Nalah McWhorter told “If you’re not going to move the things that are disrespectful to us because other students love it, put something up that us Black and brown students can celebrate.”


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The Friendly Grizzly | September 3, 2020 at 8:05 am

“If you don’t like it, withdrawn from all of your classes. Clear out your dorm rooms, and return any school-issued equipment. The Bursar’s Office will collect any fees still due. The Registrar’s Office will print your transcripts, and the Counselor Office will provide brochures for Morehouse, Fisk, Grambling, and Meherry. You will be more comfortable.

-signed- Dean T F Grizzly”

“If you’re not going to move the things that are disrespectful to us because other students love it, put something up that us Black and brown students can celebrate.”

How about a burned-out storefront?

Ol' Jim hisself | September 3, 2020 at 8:30 am

Isn’t “Black Student Union” prima facie racist?

Off topic, I am always amused at black millionaires screaming oppression.

as was common geological practice at the time to describe large dark rocks
“Remove ALL the large dark rocks! NOW! From everywhere! Otherwise you’re irredeemably RACIST!”

And “All acne must be banned!” because they used to be described as ‘whiteheads’ and ‘blackheads’.

Why are colleges letting the lunatics run things?

While Chamberlin Rock has been a campus fixture for 95 years, it recently came under fire due to once being described as a “n****rhead” in 1925 as was common geological practice at the time to describe large dark rocks, reports.

So it’s not just this rock they object to, it’s all large dark rocks. You couldn’t even replace this one with another rock, they’re all racist. All large dark rocks must be removed, forever.

You know what, at some point it’s going to be simpler to remove the objectors and keep all the things they object to.

Oops, I should have read the comments first, and seen that GWB made the same point an hour earlier.

Maybe it is offensive. Can we roll the videotape, and see that this word has never been used at the black student union? Can we see the video of group writing their demands, to discern the sheer horror they exhibited writing this word on their paper.

You want something to celebrate? I’ll buy you beers every time you get an A on a test.

I think that a bunch of white students should apply for membership in the black student union and then vote to override this petition. Of course, it will be a whole different issue when their applications are denied due to race. Don’t approach it as working on race relations, approach it as only having a good time, as would advise Otter in “Animal House.”

When asked for comment, the rock just sat there…silence is violence!

did we run out of statues already?

Do they want it ignored or do they want it moved? If the former, the rest of the student body might get a good laugh out of it. If the latter, let them pay for moving it.